Pentax K-70 Hands On

Hey Fengwei! It has been a very looooooooong time since you reviewed a camera and this one looks like a great piece of hardware too! Thanks for sharing the photos..they are awesome as usual! If your "casual" is like that, I can't imagine the photographs when you get "serious"! :)

There are plenty of reviews for this little cameras out there. Here are a few good ones for your reading pleasure:

Most if not all reviews gave this camera a 4 star and above ratings.

Thank You >> Fengwei for the review.
K70 is a worth buy
Long Live Pentax!

Haven't visited Clubsnap for such a long time but nice to see Pentax still make cameras with plenty of bang for the buck. Great review Fengwei! K-70 is really compact!

May I ask which is better between the two, K-70 or K-S2? Sans the pixel shift of course. Thank you.

thanks for the great review.
anyone knows the price for k-70 in Singapore?


Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk

Nice shots jw...the macro got nice feel
Thanks, Joe!
(Done with the Pentax 50f2.8 macro at 1:3 magnification - think will put up for technical discussion.)

Not bad, the ISO 3200 look good for smaller viewing :)

Not sure is it better than k3.. hmm.

Straight JPEG shot or convert from RAW?

Not bad, the ISO 3200 look good for smaller viewing :) Not sure is it better than k3.. hmm. Straight JPEG shot or convert from RAW?
Straight JPEG shot. I think it should be full auto mode. Just cropped, no other editing done.

Thanks, Felix.
After FW's hands-on at Chinatown, I don't see anyone else (besides myself) using the K70.
Luckily I have Pentax 前辈's to turn to for help/advice.
Thank you, all.

havent got chance to update this one. Took quite some photos w the k70 camera, will post some later.

Thanks! I was lucky...