Partitioning of 1.5TB Drive

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New Member
Oct 7, 2009
I just bought a 1.5TB Seagate drive intended to be used as backup storage of pictures. This drive came with single directory. I would like to reformat and partition it into several volumes. Challenger, where I bought the drive, offered no help and said a third party software was needed to do that. I am no good in this area, are there any expert out there to lend a hand?

What OS are you using? On XP, you can go to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Computer Management/Disk Management and change the partitions there. Should be something similar in Vista.

Basically you have to delete the existing large partition, and then create individual partitions of the size you want, until the disk space is all allocated. Each partition will get it's own drive letter.

Please note that this method does not preserve any data already on the disk. You do need a third party program for that. But for a new drive it should be fine, just make sure you think through what partitions you need, because it will not be so easy to change it later without losing your data.

Thanks jaegersing.
It's a brand new drive. OS vista. Scared by Challenger customer service guy saying partition impossible without a 3rd party software. Will try now.

Backup the the data to another disk before partitioning. Even if it is bland new disk, they will have the backup software and drivers inside.

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