Great catch! The only problem I have with the pictures is the colour balance. For the sake of my passionate interest in PS, I will take the risk of being sued by you, and present to you this modified version:
Since she is getting a lot of green light illumination reflected off the grass, it is difficult to get the skin tone correct without making the entire picture being over reddish.
Hi, Roy, decided to work on this a bit more.
I used Auto-levels which adjusted the colour cast nicely.
I then created a duplicate layer, darkened it, and used the gradient tool to create a mask to darken only the bottom part of the picture:
Unfortunately I oversharpened it a little bit...
Then of course I saw what you did, and decided that the softening effect would be perfect for this kind of shot:
Thanks for the ideas!
I like your oversaturated reddish one - reminds me of old photos.