@ one°15

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For some people, whacking can be done because he/she is thick-skinned. But for some, whacking does not work. You will eventually hurt the person and discourage him/her. For people who are teachers, I think they will know. Some students just don't take to your harshness. They will act against you in fact. Sometimes you have to let go, sometimes pull tight - that's the way. Act like a rubberband.

CSers (those with a forthright personality) should control a bit. I hope you guys won't just slam any TS because you are on the net and then act friendly with him/her when you meet him/her at shootouts or events. That way, you are just as hypocritical as those people who say "nice!" everytime.

We do not want to send the wrong signal to young CSers in this forum that harshness/rudeness is okay. Would you tell your son: "Ey, boy ah, just slam, nevermind. Slam them like no tomorrow. Read how I slam people and then write comments like your o'l daddy"?

Whether people want to learn or not is not our problem. We leave it to them. But we have to initiate courtesy first. Otherwise we are not going to be a graceful society.

Interesting tips from you guys. Btw is DP himself a pro? He shd be a real fantastic photog

1st time post pictures in this gallery



I guess I am not too qualified to comment on the picture itself, I also only have a few post here and there, I mean there are already quite a bit of valuable comments, sometimes harsh sometime people express differently.

What puzzles me is that during the shoot, if you know that at that position and angle, given the wind coming from behind, why still force to shoot at that spot? Subject and environment is equally impt. My guess is that you wanted to take the 15 degree signage, but there must be a better spot to take this picture.

Even if you PP it aways, you can still see the irregularity.

My two cents and hope its at least worth half of it.

I'm thick skinned type and I wanna learn


For some people, whacking can be done because he/she is thick-skinned. But for some, whacking does not work. You will eventually hurt the person and discourage him/her. For people who are teachers, I think they will know. Some students just don't take to your harshness. They will act against you in fact. Sometimes you have to let go, sometimes pull tight - that's the way. Act like a rubberband.

Whether people want to learn or not is not our problem. We leave it to them. But we have to initiate courtesy first. Otherwise we are not going to be a graceful society.

Another snapshot attempt, facing the wind.


What puzzles me is that during the shoot, if you know that at that position and angle, given the wind coming from behind, why still force to shoot at that spot? Subject and environment is equally impt. My guess is that you wanted to take the 15 degree signage, but there must be a better spot to take this picture.

Even if you PP it aways, you can still see the irregularity.

My two cents and hope its at least worth half of it.


Best thing next time before u shoot a model / talent, it would be good to engage in a discussion with her, work out on what both u wanna achieve, like & dislikes, what type of outfit for that particular theme (i.e the final image)
study her features and angles to know the angles which will bring out the model's aurora.

think of a few possible good locations and do a few test shoots to decide better.
during shoot, watch out for details on the subject and background. ( no messy background )
check your Exposure and WB after each shot and self QC if u do not like the photo outcome.
If the photo can't pass in your eyes, do not even give to the model or continue shooting,
as u will waste ur time and the final results will be trash-can materials

keep trying..u will get better through hard work and determination.

Cheers :)

Very nice smile.. she will be very happy with the pics and that's the most important thing I feel.

To TS, you are more a joker than a photographer :bsmilie: keep up the spirit and keep shooting :)

For some people, whacking can be done because he/she is thick-skinned. But for some, whacking does not work. You will eventually hurt the person and discourage him/her. For people who are teachers, I think they will know. Some students just don't take to your harshness. They will act against you in fact. Sometimes you have to let go, sometimes pull tight - that's the way. Act like a rubberband.

CSers (those with a forthright personality) should control a bit. I hope you guys won't just slam any TS because you are on the net and then act friendly with him/her when you meet him/her at shootouts or events. That way, you are just as hypocritical as those people who say "nice!" everytime.

We do not want to send the wrong signal to young CSers in this forum that harshness/rudeness is okay. Would you tell your son: "Ey, boy ah, just slam, nevermind. Slam them like no tomorrow. Read how I slam people and then write comments like your o'l daddy"?

Whether people want to learn or not is not our problem. We leave it to them. But we have to initiate courtesy first. Otherwise we are not going to be a graceful society.

100% agree with u...for me i'm belong to the soft-skinned type. i actually took photographs ocasionally despite the fact tat i'm a videographer. but even before i become a clubsnap member, i heard from my other clubsnap friends always talking about the harsh comments given in this forum. so after being a 'witness' for a few yrs....still no photos from me yet lol. :bsmilie: Sad to say that..for me, the only way to learn is by looking at how others comment on someone's photos...but no regrets though. :)

100% agree with u...for me i'm belong to the soft-skinned type. i actually took photographs ocasionally despite the fact tat i'm a videographer. but even before i become a clubsnap member, i heard from my other clubsnap friends always talking about the harsh comments given in this forum. so after being a 'witness' for a few yrs....still no photos from me yet lol. :bsmilie: Sad to say that..for me, the only way to learn is by looking at how others comment on someone's photos...but no regrets though. :)

Comments can be harsh and critical but should not be rude mah! Every photo pasted, no matter how lousy involves some effort and this alone deserve some respect. I can accept harsh or even very critical comments, it is the rude and uncalled for and totally OOT comments that I cannot tolerate.

BUT no need to over-stress myself, live and let live :D

Anyway don't worry, post your photo-lah. You learn faster that way because you idea about a shoot is different from another person's. CSers on the whole is a helpful and courteous bunch.

Oh my gawd what is up with her outfit. Please chop those boots off for me.

icanhaspegasusburger? lawl owned. btw if you want to be nitty gritty its really English teacher, not english. Nice one BRO.

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