Olympus Deal in PC show?

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Aug 13, 2003
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Any deal for Olympus in the PC show?

They offer Olympus E410+two kit lens+fl360 flash in IT show in March.

This quarter is mend by Courts... Zzz. Mar'08 was mend by alanphoto. Presently, E410 selling at $888 wif 2gb xD card only. Says only 30 sets... dunno true anot.

Saw E-3 + 12-60mm SWD + FL50R going for the price of $39xx. Can't remember the last 2 digits. IMO, quite a good deal.

This quarter is mend by Courts... Zzz. Mar'08 was mend by alanphoto. Presently, E410 selling at $888 wif 2gb xD card only. Says only 30 sets... dunno true anot.

This is true.. went with a friend to get one of these sets...

Errmmm what is the price of e420 in this PC fair? with the kit lens. any free item come with it?

Oh, the price is crazy.
I saw advertisement on the Strait Times, E410 with 2 kit lens from Courts (or Best, I cannot remember) is $888 only.

This quarter is mend by Courts... Zzz. Mar'08 was mend by alanphoto. Presently, E410 selling at $888 wif 2gb xD card only. Says only 30 sets... dunno true anot.

Oh, the price is crazy.
I saw advertisement on the Strait Times, E410 with 2 kit lens from Courts (or Best, I cannot remember) is $888 only.

I think they are clearing to make way for E420.

Saw E-3 + 12-60mm SWD + FL50R going for the price of $39xx. Can't remember the last 2 digits. IMO, quite a good deal.

It is not only quite, but best deal!!!. E3 price $2395, 12-60 $1325 & FL-50R $635 = $4355. If getting full sets at less than 4K is best deal.:thumbsup:

Didn't buy anything but Amos (from Harvey Norman) was at the Olympus Courts booth for some reason ...and I got a chance to try the 14-34mm f2 SWD and its oh so fine ...sigghh.. :D


Sorry to interrupt. Does anyone know any issues regarding getting an Oly E-3 in the States? The price quoted in Singapore is not comparable to the prices I see in the States e.g. body is going for US$1499, a good 30% off from the local stores.

Sorry to interrupt. Does anyone know any issues regarding getting an Oly E-3 in the States? The price quoted in Singapore is not comparable to the prices I see in the States e.g. body is going for US$1499, a good 30% off from the local stores.

SG likes better profit, so price is not comparable. ;)

Oh, the price is crazy.
I saw advertisement on the Strait Times, E410 with 2 kit lens from Courts (or Best, I cannot remember) is $888 only.


Did anyone purchase the E410 during the show, what other freebies except the 2GB xD card?


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