Olympus Camera User Discussion

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Take your time ah Kevin :)

I think maybe can go down AP and actually take a look on how the adaptor fits on to your camera first?

I also starting quite confused too, wonder how "additional lenses" are going to be fitted on to my camera...by glue? :D

BTW I think the B-300 (or is it B-200?) looks kinda cool, makes our C2040 looks like some kinda monster machine :D

Originally posted by Kevin
Hi guys,

I am torn between 2 choices. Have talked to some Gurus and they have given very good advises but still can't decide. I want to get a lens adaptor and UV filter. Later I may want to use TC or WC lens. IF I use CLA-1 lens tube and step up to 52mm then I can use the C210 or C180 later. But, it will give me flash shadowing and bla bla flash problem. If I take lens tube that step down to 37mm then no flash problem but 37mm TC may give me Vignetting problem and can't use C-210 and C-180 anymore. What do you guys think?


Originally posted by Klause
Anyone here interested to go to city and take night shots with your camera on Saturday 26th/Jan ? Please sms me at 94784518. Will meet @ city area ard 5pm. Anyone?

Will try to see if I can make it. Will confirm by tomorrow night :)

Originally posted by mpenza

if you are to get a wide-angle converter, it'll definitely block the flash. And for 37mm threaded teleconverter, it'll likely block the flash as well unless yu get those monoscope type.
Hi KC, If we put aside the TC and WC lens for a time being, let say we just look the lens adaptor and UV Filter for proctection purpose. IS the 41 to 37 lns tube with UV filter going to cause Flas shadowing? Is Oly CLA-1 lens tube (41 to 43 with step up ring to 52mm) going to cause more Flash shadowing problem, meaning worse than the 41 to 37 mm lens tube?

Thanks for enlighten me. :rbounce:

Originally posted by Blitz
I also starting quite confused too, wonder how "additional lenses" are going to be fitted on to my camera...by glue? :D

BTW I think the B-300 (or is it B-200?) looks kinda cool, makes our C2040 looks like some kinda monster machine :D

Don't panic, your UV filter should have some thread so you can attach the TC to your UV Filter. For WC, I think Leslie said that your have to remove the UV FIlter in order to attached the WC. I may hav mixed up the TC and WC. I only remember LEslie said that one of them need to remove your UV Filter 1st. :cool:

Originally posted by Kevin

Hi KC, If we put aside the TC and WC lens for a time being, let say we just look the lens adaptor and UV Filter for proctection purpose. IS the 41 to 37 lns tube with UV filter going to cause Flas shadowing? Is Oly CLA-1 lens tube (41 to 43 with step up ring to 52mm) going to cause more Flash shadowing problem, meaning worse than the 41 to 37 mm lens tube?

Thanks for enlighten me. :rbounce:

41-37 will cause less flash shadowing. but you have to check if it causes vignetting at fuul wide.

Originally posted by mpenza

41-37 will cause less flash shadowing. but you have to check if it causes vignetting at fuul wide.
You mean just the UV Filter without any TC or WC lens, right! Will check that out.
Thanks KC.

Originally posted by mpenza
you also have to check that the lens does not crash onto the filter....
Yah, will follow your article advise to test whether the lens crash or not. Thanks...:)

Originally posted by Klause
Anyone here interested to go to city and take night shots with your camera on Saturday 26th/Jan ? Please sms me at 94784518. Will meet @ city area ard 5pm. Anyone?

Hi Klause, sorry unable to go tomorrow night, got a dinner appointment at my aunt's place :(

Next time will try to join u, pai seh....

Me in.:eek:

Originally posted by Megadark
Me in.:eek:

You mean the photo trip? Umm.. sorry but haha.. my friend and I got something on today and we decided to postpone it =P

Poor Megadark, kena sabo. (hehe, just kidding to make Klause feel bad)

BTW, did you get the shakar TC from Mpenza? How is it?

Me not sure whether I want to get TC at 37mm or 52mm as in not sure 52mm C180 will give no vignetting or not. CP offer me CLA-1 at $30 and step-up ring to 52mm at $7. For day to day use, I have bought the 41 to 37 lens tube with UV filter to reduce the Flash shadowing.


Originally posted by Kevin
Poor Megadark, kena sabo. (hehe, just kidding to make Klause feel bad)

BTW, did you get the shakar TC from Mpenza? How is it?

Me not sure whether I want to get TC at 37mm or 52mm as in not sure 52mm C180 will give no vignetting or not. CP offer me CLA-1 at $30 and step-up ring to 52mm at $7. For day to day use, I have bought the 41 to 37 lens tube with UV filter to reduce the Flash shadowing.


haha.. sorry lor.. :angel: I also know last night when my friend sms me.

Originally posted by Kevin

Me not sure whether I want to get TC at 37mm or 52mm as in not sure 52mm C180 will give no vignetting or not. CP offer me CLA-1 at $30 and step-up ring to 52mm at $7. For day to day use, I have bought the 41 to 37 lens tube with UV filter to reduce the Flash shadowing.


Kevin, you bought the 41 to 37 lens tube from John ah?

Yes, Blitz

After some deep thoughts, quiet time, I decide on 37mm. (just kidding).

After checking with KC and other Gurus, I realise if I want to keep the lens tube and filter on perpetually then I better get as small as possible. So I got the 37mm from John yesterday.

For Teleshoot, I may get the CLA-1 Oly lens tube from CP with C210 or c180 still within $110 budget. But, after reading through some other website, even though C210 is 52mm but still have vignetting problem. So not so sure now. Anyway telephoto is not priority for me.

BTW, this is my 100 post, HOORAY! :rbounce:

BTW, Blitz.

When Leslie show you the TC and snap a picture, he mentioned something about vignetting. How does it look like? the 4 corners blackout? I look at the Galaa guy's 19x photo but can't find vignetting except the photo is a bit darker probably dut to the zoom??? :dunno:

Originally posted by Kevin
Yes, Blitz
But, after reading through some other website, even though C210 is 52mm but still have vignetting problem. So not so sure now. Anyway telephoto is not priority for me.

C210 has a 52mm thread but causes vignetting because the "hole" is not 52mm. It's only about 20mm or thereabouts.

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