Olympus C-770 Movie mode

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New Member
Jun 8, 2004
Is't it normal than if the MIC is turn on, then the ZOOMING function is "Locked" during the filming? If the Mic was disabled, then u do normal zooming. :nono:

I found that my preference was being reset after each time i power off my camera... E.g I set my recording format for photos was 3:2 but after each time powerup again it went to 4:3 format. BTW the batt was not being removed.

AMD1600 said:
Is't it normal than if the MIC is turn on, then the ZOOMING function is "Locked" during the filming? If the Mic was disabled, then u do normal zooming. :nono:

I found that my preference was being reset after each time i power off my camera... E.g I set my recording format for photos was 3:2 but after each time powerup again it went to 4:3 format. BTW the batt was not being removed.

for qn one, its perfectly normal. u would hear the zoom mechanism if the mic was on.

for the second qn, look under the menu under setup. default reset. switch it to off.

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