Old film SLR what will happen...

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well i actually got my Nikon FE loaded up again recently. Testing out Kodak BW400CN....

all i know is some film manufaturer are stop producing.. i think its just a matter of time when we need to buy a roll of film we have to buy from a vintage shop.... and teh price also will be sky high.

heh not to mention it might be expired film

Leica goes digital with M8.... :)

heh not to mention it might be expired film

Well, I went to Konota recently to look for Sensia 400, and all they had were stocks that expire in Jan 2007. They said that's what the agent is sending them these days. Can't really verify what they said is true, but it's quite certain that slide film is definitely a "specialist" medium now.

u got weird taste


Haha. Yeah. My wife had the IS-100 before it was stolen, then she had it replaced with the IS-200. I bought the IS-500 a few years ago, but none of these could touch the grand-daddy of them all - The IS3000! I guess after 14 years of longing, I just needed a sense of closure lah. :bsmilie:

This is just wild speculation...

Maybe an innovative manufacturer will come up with a CCD sensor in the form-factor of a film cartridge... just load, snap shut the camera back, attach the interface cable to an external processing unit (or better still yet, attach a bluetooth adaptor)... and shoot like you're using good old film cameras :)

Technically not impossible, you know... calling all engineers out there, here's an idea for a feasible product ;)

to add more fuel to the film camp... surprisingly, after shooting digital for a while.. i find myself lusting after film again.. i recently purchased the final upgrade in my F100.. some may say otherwise but light just comes out looking different on film.. it has a more pleasing quality to my eye.. but then again.. maybe thats coz we've been brought up to be accustomed to the 'film' look.. so the age old adage that film users are lusting after digital is not really true for all..

As long as the feeling of nostalgia are still found in people, there bound to be some who feeling for nostalgia is so strong that they will keep using film, even if not on regular basis.
With that, film will still be around. Just look at the old VW beetle.

i'm eyeing a particular camera at the australian geographic shop... only $24.95. a diy pin hole camera.

well i guess is if the market still requires film photography to be use.. i guess it wont die so quickly, and right now the only people i see still using film cameras is those wedding photographer.. don't know why they are still using film..??
well for my old nikon f60... it will always fill the small corner of my drybox at home.. for sentimentil reasons.. :p

For digital to emulate film, it needs a sensor that is the equivalent of 20-30mega pixels. We're far from being there yet! ;)

For digital to emulate film, it needs a sensor that is the equivalent of 20-30mega pixels. We're far from being there yet! ;)

Eh... you sure?

There are already 30mp cameras... Only that they are in medium format and the files taken would be a b**** to handle... ;)

I am still using film for my EOS cameras and [vintage] rangefinders. Haven't switched to DSLR yet. DSLR is expensive in my opinion. An entry level EOS SLR in those days cost around $600 with lens. But no such offer for DSLR these days.

I want to enjoy film as long as it lasts. I don't shoot excessively. So it is OK. :)
Hope it remains affordable in the future too.

I bought a bessa R few weeks ago, load up my olympus xa and canon ae-1 , film won't die , ccd still haven't reach the film quality,the colour of digital llok like no layer, not deep... and even in Singapore, konota crowded.

Film is still film...nothing can replace it....

Just like artists who wont give up their water colors for a good computer and painting software.

I recently purchase a second hand Dynax 7. I had always wanted it when I just started working. But at $1400 it was out of my reach. Now with film cameras slowly dying I bought it. There is something about film that just makes it enjoyable to take pictures. Maybe its the fact you can't see the photo till you devlope them.

For digital to emulate film, it needs a sensor that is the equivalent of 20-30mega pixels. We're far from being there yet! ;)
This exercise has been done many times before. For most people who shoot film, then go to a Fuji epic lab and print 4R, sad to say, digital has already surpass that quality.

If you want clean high ISO images, digital has also surpassed film.

For tonal quality, a correct tone curves should be able to emulate the dynamic characteristics to a certain extent.

If you do darkroom work and do processing/printing on yourself, then you are qualified to make a film vs dgital comparison. ;p The only thingg I'm not happy with digital is that making large chemical prints is still out of reach for me. Other than that, for most shoots up to 8R prints, I don't see a compelling need for me to use film ever since I switched to digital.

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