Old Changi Hospital

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rebbot said:
Should we organize a night outing sometime? wanna experience OCH @ night~after that we can visit condom hill :bsmilie: or go "pick" durians if the place is still open like when I served my NS
Wah!! later i scared how?? :embrass:

jodie_tan said:
@___@ i'm not familiar wif that place...if i have to go there myself..btw...hw long is the shoot?

arnd 3hrs + ... lets not stay too late for reasons known :sweatsm:

dawgbyte77 said:
Nighttime would be nice. We can share hospital ghost stories. I got nurse and doctor friends so I got a few. Hehe. Doesn't exactly belong ot OCH though.

hehehe cool then they can have a tour of the place too ;)

Date : 28 May (Sat)
Time : 2 pm to arnd 5pm (if ya guys want to extend ... by all means)

Venue : Tampinese Bus Interchange (bus 29)

Lets not be late and leave at 2pm sharp.

01. Kitkat
02. ashleyy (need to confirm if I free or not.)
03. goo82sg (tbc, morning got shoot)
04. NMSS_2
05. Kelvin ( need to recofirm again because this wed school start not sure anything will be on this coming sat. )
06. John Teoh
07. HazeKang
08. Ray
09. KimDongMoon
10. affando (need to comfirm again if i free)

rebbot said:
hehehe cool then they can have a tour of the place too ;)

And wait for sunset inside.. maybe wait a bit more till sunrise as well.

Ashleyy said:
Wah!! later i scared how?? :embrass:

dun worry i lend u my army beret hahaha can calm u down ;p

dawgbyte77 said:
And wait for sunset inside.. maybe wait a bit more till sunrise as well.

ermz sunset mebbe~ dun wanna stay overnight unless u guys wanna go fishing nearby :bsmilie:

Date : 28 May (Sat)
Time : 2 pm to arnd 5pm (if ya guys want to extend ... by all means)

Venue : Tampinese Bus Interchange (bus 29)

Lets not be late and leave at 2pm sharp.

01. Kitkat
02. ashleyy (need to confirm if I free or not.)
03. goo82sg (tbc, morning got shoot)
04. NMSS_2
05. Kelvin ( need to recofirm again because this wed school start not sure anything will be on this coming sat. )
06. John Teoh
07. HazeKang
08. Ray
09. KimDongMoon
10. affando (need to comfirm again if i free)
11. Damien

Must remember....keep in mind that visiting such places is most likely
'forbidden'....so any risk taken is of own.

1. Be organized

2. Don't go in too big a group....attract too much attention. Big groups tend to be noisier and rowdier. (not tourists!!! haha)

3. Respect the location...don't pee/vandalize/scream/shout/keep or leave souveniers

4. keep the meetings hush hush as possible...it's not a national event. And not to implicate other innocent people. (legal issues lah...wat else...nobody know, then nobody take action...make sense rite? haha)

dawgbyte77 said:
Got another question... what is that dogs on 2nd floor all about? And difficult to get in? Can I confirm that we are not doing anything illegal? Are we, like, tresspassing or something?

It's possible that it's trespassing.

About 1 month ago, OCH was brought up in the Kopitiam sub-forum. I contributed some experience and opinions.


sbs99 said:
Must remember....keep in mind that visiting such places is most likely
'forbidden'....so any risk taken is of own.

1. Be organized

2. Don't go in too big a group....attract too much attention. Big groups tend to be noisier and rowdier. (not tourists!!! haha)

3. Respect the location...don't pee/vandalize/scream/shout/keep or leave souveniers

4. keep the meetings hush hush as possible...it's not a national event. And not to implicate other innocent people. (legal issues lah...wat else...nobody know, then nobody take action...make sense rite? haha)

[sbs99] is right.

1. If you're going in a group, someone has to take lead. Needless to say, the leader should be organised.

2. If you're all going by car, you could expose your presence by parking too near OCH. He's also correct about the noise of a big group. In my opinion, 2 or 3 people is fine -- enough to feel secure. It's not sensible to bring a group and do a head count after every corner to make sure nobody is taken over to the "other side". :bsmilie:

3. Acts of vandalism on the walls and broken glass have been cleaned up and removed. I believe some care-taking authority wants it to remain that way, and put stricter security there (read my earlier posts). I'm sure merry-making is inappropriate on those premises and inconsiderate to the "residents" there.

4. This is the most sensible point brought up. Even if you do get away with a successful shoot without being chased away by the guard or arrested for unlawful assembly and trespassing in a restricted place, I don't think going public with your images is a clever act.

Yeah, I agree. I was quite disappointed with the amount of litter left behind. I never too keen in large group excursions to such places, simply because it gets too party-like.

Spook stories aside, OCH really has a lot of history behind it. Go there, appreciate it, see it in your mind as things probably happened in the past. Not many such places exist anymore in Sg.

Please, respect the place.

Date : 28 May (Sat)
Time : 2 pm to arnd 5pm (if ya guys want to extend ... by all means)

Venue : Tampinese Bus Interchange (bus 29)

Lets not be late and leave at 2pm sharp.

01. Kitkat
02. ashleyy (need to confirm if I free or not.)
03. goo82sg (tbc, morning got shoot)
04. NMSS_2
05. Kelvin ( need to recofirm again because this wed school start not sure anything will be on this coming sat. )
06. John Teoh
07. HazeKang
08. Ray
09. KimDongMoon
10. affando (need to comfirm again if i free)
11. Damien
12. ivantay

Date : 28 May (Sat)
Time : 2 pm to arnd 5pm (if ya guys want to extend ... by all means)

Venue : Tampinese Bus Interchange (bus 29)

Lets not be late and leave at 2pm sharp.

01. Kitkat
02. ashleyy (need to confirm if I free or not.)
03. - free -
04. NMSS_2
05. Kelvin ( need to recofirm again because this wed school start not sure anything will be on this coming sat. )
06. John Teoh
07. HazeKang
08. Ray
09. KimDongMoon
10. affando (need to comfirm again if i free)
11. Damien
12. ivantay

sorry guys.. need to pull out.. dun think i can make it in time unless u guys will be sticking there long...

Date : 28 May (Sat)
Time : 2 pm to arnd 5pm (if ya guys want to extend ... by all means)

Venue : Tampinese Bus Interchange (bus 29)

Lets not be late and leave at 2pm sharp.

01. Kitkat
02. ashleyy (need to confirm if I free or not.)
03. ivantay
04. NMSS_2
05. Kelvin ( need to recofirm again because this wed school start not sure anything will be on this coming sat. )
06. John Teoh
07. HazeKang
08. Ray
09. KimDongMoon
10. affando (need to comfirm again if i free)
11. Damien
12. TJ (confirmation free anot)

NMSS_2 said:
do we need to bring tripod?

I may bring a mono ... for the shoot n for the wild dogs (jk) :bsmilie:

Date : 28 May (Sat)
Time : 2 pm to arnd 5pm (if ya guys want to extend ... by all means)

Venue : Tampinese Bus Interchange (bus 29)

Lets not be late and leave at 2pm sharp.

01. Kitkat
02. ashleyy (need to confirm if I free or not.)
03. ivantay
04. NMSS_2
05. Kelvin ( need to recofirm again because this wed school start not sure anything will be on this coming sat. )
06. John Teoh
07. Ray
08. KimDongMoon
09. affando (need to comfirm again if i free)
10. Damien
11. TJ (confirmation free anot)

Still weak after recent flu... gota rest rest :)

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