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NS is indeed a very good experience. although sometime the thing we do in there is abit boliao, but is really all this bo liao thing that make everyone in my peers group living in a deep memories.

remember those sispec and bmt days, cool........

coming to a infantry unit, dam stand by in camp 7 freaking days cannot book out, seeing one another in the room, what we do?? playing risk board game, watching taiwanese drama together and even till the extend of bringing mike and mini ktv system in there for a sing-a-long session in the bunk. until we are sibei bored, we play with other people........XXX

as a man with 3 strips we really don't like those chocolate bars which only talk and we carry the action, treated harsh on our men and now i realised by treating them abit harsh in our active days, they are very well organise and more cooperative now in NS.

what i want to say is, this NS thingy is a no way escape, do it once do it good, it will leave memories for life time. for me, i will talk to my kids when he is serving NS like what some of the guys here reply.....

lol...how i noe? coz i noe alot of csm n oc...when working with them, i casually asked them y they sign on...8-9/10 tell me they sign up for the money n education...n many tell me they regretted signing on...

Wah, those jokers have the cheek to say they sign on for the money :bsmilie:

But to be frank, I think private sector pays much more, that's why they regretted signing on :p

Anyway, I don't regret signing on, though I am not a commissioned officer. During my time, we were known as "other ranks". Think now they are known as "specialist" :p

Wah, those jokers have the cheek to say they sign on for the money :bsmilie:

But to be frank, I think private sector pays much more, that's why they regretted signing on :p

Anyway, I don't regret signing on, though I am not a commissioned officer. During my time, we were known as "other ranks". Think now they are known as "specialist" :p

It is a career. We need all sort of trades.

Everybody is serving the nation and at the same time earning a living.

I find NS a very good experience in the sense that we are expose to various people from a diverse background. It's really challenging to motivate unmotivated people to do their jobs.... But then again, most of all just wanna do the bare minimum and pull thru the motion ;p

The only thing i don't like in NS is the issue of "doing for the sake of doing".... which officers/senior spec blindly follow but end up not making any difference; and childish NSF officers making childish statement and stupid decision and treating spec/man like trash.

My 2 cents :)

I find NS a very good experience in the sense that we are expose to various people from a diverse background. It's really challenging to motivate unmotivated people to do their jobs.... But then again, most of all just wanna do the bare minimum and pull thru the motion ;p

The only thing i don't like in NS is the issue of "doing for the sake of doing".... which officers/senior spec blindly follow but end up not making any difference; and childish NSF officers making childish statement and stupid decision and treating spec/man like trash.

My 2 cents :)

Agreed. This has to do with experience. The younger officers, not all, need to learn although they are called officer. Some of the senior spec.. so call, follow SOP so closely that it is safer to do the job.

These again happened everywhere. Commercial environment too though ppl are more daring to say it out as I dont not miss my weekends and I can find another job if I am not happy here( and also not always true!!)

GLHF in army, just giving some important advice --> dun chao keng and dun carry balls. Always try to make time pass faster by either doing something so sleeping your life out there, it always feels better that way. I got a malay friend posted to BMT as spec, hope you kana him. He quite friendly and kind one, dun think he will bully recruits :D After you enlist, come back and post your company and platoon number for us to see, we want to try 4D :D

Say what you like... I enjoy my NS .... and better as a reservist when having my in-camp training!

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come think about it, does NS really mould better character?

so imagine you, ORDing at 22 years old, finding out that a china chinese guy, from china, at 24 years old is doing his masters at NTU.

how do you feel? what are you really defending for?

My, seems that you have a lot of hatred for this system & we share a little common ground. I started working @ 15 as a waiter & earned my way since. It's a trade off to be a male Singaporean. Are you proud to be a Singaporean? Do you enjoy what you have around you now? Your living environment, transport, security, peace & 0-natural disaster but lastly, an almost non-discriminating society where religion & races live in harmony. This is a rare find in this havoc times. Look @ our immediate neighbours & you tell me. I live in Sg, Malaysia & Thailand+Travel for work. Singapore is a very fine place to be @. In Europe, Unions are powerful & yes, people power are often abused which can wreck economy, politics & ultimately, your home. Imagine that you are stranded in the airport or hotel simply because people are on strike! We don't have and cannot have it here. I'm not sure if it's good about it but democracy here is good as dead :bsmilie:

Anyway, unfortunately, you were borned here & remained a citizen till enlisted. We don't have a choice unless your parents are rich enough to send you overseas & never to return or renounce citizenship.

I can understand your problem about ORD to find that citizens from those countries that do not have mandatory NS are doing more advance. Again, this is a trade-off. Why are them here? Do you know that a lot of Chinese are leaving their country for a better life elsewhere while we are rushing in, to cash in their growth. Anyway, let's draw the circle bigger. Australians etc do not need to serve army either & they also have an earlier start. Does that mean they are leader? You can make it better than them.

What are you defending for? Your family, your friends, your home. You have no idea how fat a meat we are to our neighbours. Deterrance is the only prevention. Unless, you have no qualms being a world citizen.

I don't know about the rest but SAF made me a better man. I had a lot of time to think when I was there & it trained me in many fields for use in life. I'm glad that I went through it.

When I was in the army, I had a motto. To be the best or the worst. I chose the first. I was a Guards trained Recce (neither a commando or ranger) but I refused to stay there & trained hard to sign on as a Pilot. When I was in the SAF, I met some of the finest & worst people. Unfortunately, in the Civil world, the paper means a lot & being the largest employer, it also has the biggest "office politics". Today, I keep in contact with some of them who are the Chiefs of forces @ just a few years my senior while I also happily sip coffee with 1st Class privates. Are the latter discontented & the elites satisfied? We have to find our own happiness.

In the private sector, it's the same & far worse perhaps as you are fighting on your own, for your own.

You are a new generation that feels being exploited for cheap labour & wasted the precious 2yrs of your teens while your compatriots advance. The difference now is that you guys speak up. Hopefully, the govt. will address this problem as we progress but meanwhile serve & get over it!

OK, talk too much tonight liao. Good night.

Btw, I'm also an MR ;)

My, seems that you have a lot of hatred for this system & we share a little common ground. I started working @ 15 as a waiter & earned my way since. It's a trade off to be a male Singaporean. Are you proud to be a Singaporean? Do you enjoy what you have around you now? Your living environment, transport, security, peace & 0-natural disaster but lastly, an almost non-discriminating society where religion & races live in harmony. This is a rare find in this havoc times. Look @ our immediate neighbours & you tell me. I live in Sg, Malaysia & Thailand+Travel for work. Singapore is a very fine place to be @. In Europe, Unions are powerful & yes, people power are often abused which can wreck economy, politics & ultimately, your home. Imagine that you are stranded in the airport or hotel simply because people are on strike! We don't have and cannot have it here. I'm not sure if it's good about it but democracy here is good as dead :bsmilie:

Anyway, unfortunately, you were borned here & remained a citizen till enlisted. We don't have a choice unless your parents are rich enough to send you overseas & never to return or renounce citizenship.

I can understand your problem about ORD to find that citizens from those countries that do not have mandatory NS are doing more advance. Again, this is a trade-off. Why are them here? Do you know that a lot of Chinese are leaving their country for a better life elsewhere while we are rushing in, to cash in their growth. Anyway, let's draw the circle bigger. Australians etc do not need to serve army either & they also have an earlier start. Does that mean they are leader? You can make it better than them.

What are you defending for? Your family, your friends, your home. You have no idea how fat a meat we are to our neighbours. Deterrance is the only prevention. Unless, you have no qualms being a world citizen.

I don't know about the rest but SAF made me a better man. I had a lot of time to think when I was there & it trained me in many fields for use in life. I'm glad that I went through it.

When I was in the army, I had a motto. To be the best or the worst. I chose the first. I was a Guards trained Recce (neither a commando or ranger) but I refused to stay there & trained hard to sign on as a Pilot. When I was in the SAF, I met some of the finest & worst people. Unfortunately, in the Civil world, the paper means a lot & being the largest employer, it also has the biggest "office politics". Today, I keep in contact with some of them who are the Chiefs of forces @ just a few years my senior while I also happily sip coffee with 1st Class privates. Are the latter discontented & the elites satisfied? We have to find our own happiness.

In the private sector, it's the same & far worse perhaps as you are fighting on your own, for your own.

You are a new generation that feels being exploited for cheap labour & wasted the precious 2yrs of your teens while your compatriots advance. The difference now is that you guys speak up. Hopefully, the govt. will address this problem as we progress but meanwhile serve & get over it!

OK, talk too much tonight liao. Good night.

Btw, I'm also an MR ;)

well said. :thumbsup:

Many Singaporeans take security for granted as many din experience turmoil or war. Hence the aloofness and despise the NS system. No one likes to waste 2 years of their time but think about it, Singapore have a few common ground with Israel and they fought wars with everyone of their neighbours. No need to spell it out. Just spend sometime and think about it, u prob get the answer.

I really spent sometime thinking about this before I post, so if anyone is offended, just let me know and I'll delete it.

Many Singaporeans take security for granted as many din experience turmoil or war. Hence the aloofness and despise the NS system. No one likes to waste 2 years of their time but think about it, Singapore have a few common ground with Israel and they fought wars with everyone of their neighbours. No need to spell it out. Just spend sometime and think about it, u prob get the answer.

I really spent sometime thinking about this before I post, so if anyone is offended, just let me know and I'll delete it.

I would like to add that we invest 2 good years of our life in preparing ourselves. Time serving National Service is time well spent!

I was once in US having a combat game(Physically engaging the other party with 'guns') ...we won most of the time as I remembered what we learnt.. eg 2 ups.. right franking... left franking... with all the hand signals and the deployment of the troop..


Dude, winning a paintball challenge may feel good, but the 'losers' still have extra 2 years of their life for further education/job experience/promotions/pay increase/going after girls/saving up for car/saving up for house etc...


Dude, winning a paintball challenge may feel good, but the 'losers' still have extra 2 years of their life for further education/job experience/promotions/pay increase/going after girls/saving up for car/saving up for house etc...

Dude, time is what you make it out to be. 2 yrs spent in NS is to ensure that you have the environment for "further education/job experience/promotions/pay increase/going after girls/saving up for car/saving up for house" later on.


Dude, winning a paintball challenge may feel good, but the 'losers' still have extra 2 years of their life for further education/job experience/promotions/pay increase/going after girls/saving up for car/saving up for house etc...

Loser will waste their time in NS.

Loser will waste their time even without NS.

Loser will waste their whole life with or without NS.

Agreed. I know one guy who chao keng downgrade, everyday stay in bunk study, take nights off to attend lessons, after 2 years in ns he got his law degree. Winner. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Loser are those selfish in life, they might think they are winner......but this is what they think of themselves. To many, they are just another loser....... because they can't take hardship and choose to run away from responsibilty.

So what you have a law degree, when you are unfit to protect your nation, your love one and your family.......those ppls are only interested in protecting their own interest.......

So what make you think that those selfish ppls are winner????? or how do you define winner??????

May that Lawyer's kid will tell him this: " Daddy, next time when you are old and sick, i wouldn't want to spend my time or money on you, because i also want to be a winner!!!!!!!"

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Agreed. I know one guy who chao keng downgrade, everyday stay in bunk study, take nights off to attend lessons, after 2 years in ns he got his law degree. Winner. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

NS NS two simple words that hold a lot of meaning/hardships/frienships/memories to different people. we can talk til the cow come home etc etc etc. Some people love it, some people hate it. you know which categories you belong to. There no right or wrong in NS, only the right way or the easy way.

i can't said i love my 2 years 4 months in NS but it does bring some memories. The first nine months was the most happening. First oversea training, training accident that kill my 2 buddies. :cry:

Unit life was ok. nothing much happening, training the men, oversea training again and again and again. ATEC short and sweet. babysiting NCC for 1 week, exchange program with oversea army. Army still owe me 10 days off after i ORD.

What did i learn from all this after ORD.

There not much different between NS and civilian. we hold responsibility in both. In NS i lead a platoon. In civilain i lead my family (parents, wife and kid):think:. we protect what is ours (NS or Civilian):think:. Going oversea and the lists goes on.

and finally i hope that your friend is not the lawyer that run away with client money.:

Agreed. I know one guy who chao keng downgrade, everyday stay in bunk study, take nights off to attend lessons, after 2 years in ns he got his law degree. Winner. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Smart... I have a mate who got a ACCA during NS.

He did not book out, he stayed in camp during weekends and he completed his OCT.

Your choice and you decide your destiny!

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Loser will waste their time in NS.

Loser will waste their time even without NS.

Loser will waste their whole life with or without NS.


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