'No Photography' Plz...

i was stopped a couple of times before. in response i spoke a couple of phrases from a foreign language.

he then used his walkie-talkie, and said to his colleague, "eh tourist la, tourist!" :angel:

That explains how I was not allowed to take photos inside Parkview Square while my ang moh friend could (he's not a tourist.. he's a PR.) LOL

You are absolutely correct! I also recall not only the police, but the Ministry of Home Affairs saying the same thing in the newspaper report :)

we can take anything (except intrusion to woman modesty) in public.
i read a news report regarding a young lady complaining of a man taking her picture inside
a MRT train. she called in the police. the police came and screen thru the man's HP images.
the police let him go after they found nothing offensive. i remember reading the article with
remarks by the police saying that it is not a crime for taking pictures in public.

as long as i'm standing in a public place, they hv no right to stop me to take what i want.

It's sad how photographers can be linked to terrorists, spies, reporters, PIs and sickos.

So maybe next time I shall just sketch a scene inside a shopping centre. See who stops me. No photography, didn't say no sketching. :bsmilie:

there's an idea...i am sick of these property owners who think they also own the sidewalks that their buildings are on though...

hell yea man !!

i get stop dunoe how many times not only by store owners but also but normal pedestrians !!

i mean wtf i aint even taking a photo of you, you just happen to walk right into the frame !!

singaporeans really have to learn how to open up n be more appreciative of photography !!

they forgot who takes the photos at their weddings !!

shall we start to do something to protect our rights?
to let our integrity, our pride, our unhappiness over the unlawful treatment be heard by the public. :cry:

shall we start to do something to protect our rights?
to let our integrity, our pride, our unhappiness over the unlawful treatment be heard by the public. :cry:

you wanna do a tnp story go ahead.

I'm really sick of seeing people linking photography to terrorism, spying, PIs, employees from govt agencies out to spot any mistakes in what they're doing, reporters, tikopeks and pedophiles.

You can always start a camping outside the shop with a row of photographers and see what happens hehe :)

shall we start to do something to protect our rights?
to let our integrity, our pride, our unhappiness over the unlawful treatment be heard by the public. :cry:

i was stopped a couple of times before. in response i spoke a couple of phrases from a foreign language.

he then used his walkie-talkie, and said to his colleague, "eh tourist la, tourist!" :angel:
I'll try my Japanese on them next time. ;p

You can always start a camping outside the shop with a row of photographers and see what happens hehe :)

bro, u read my mind.
shall we set a time n a date, meet at a place where 'no photography' sign is displayed,
shoot all we like and disperse within 1 min. TNP and major media will be notified. ;)

I think you shdn't go to a place with the sign, since you will then look like the bad person. Go find some shophouse or the like with a public road in front. :)

bro, u read my mind.
shall we set a time n a date, meet at a place where 'no photography' sign is displayed,
shoot all we like and disperse within 1 min. TNP and major media will be notified. ;)

I think you shdn't go to a place with the sign, since you will then look like the bad person. Go find some shophouse or the like with a public road in front. :)

you got a point there.
but for me, i thought the sign was invalid at all.
obviously, it is uncalled for and is a sign of discrimination.

Photography has no rule, so why make a rule to stop photography? ;)

Well if you're on their premises, they are the ones who sets the rules.

Anyway if you want to call the media, you also need to consider the PR and human angle, besides the strict legal and rules angle.

you got a point there.
but for me, i thought the sign was invalid at all.
obviously, it is uncalled for and is a sign of discrimination.

Photography has no rule, so why make a rule to stop photography? ;)

It's the same in almost any country, the rants in this thread is exactly the same as rants in London, Manila, etc... Heck, the entire CBD in Manila is private property.

haha, great trick, next time i shall reply them in Vietnamese :)

I was shooting some shots in Changi MRT station until i noticed a MRT officer gave me the look but did not stop me, i just quickly walked out of the place and back to T3 :(

i was stopped a couple of times before. in response i spoke a couple of phrases from a foreign language.

he then used his walkie-talkie, and said to his colleague, "eh tourist la, tourist!" :angel:

all i will say is if anyone comes and tries to pull this bs i'll tell them to call talk to my lawyer.

you sure you wanna play it big with them. some times just smile and say 1 shot please and you get your shot everyone happy :)

you sure you wanna play it big with them. some times just smile and say 1 shot please and you get your shot everyone happy :)

as long as i know i'm not breaking any law sure and i'm not trespassing. esp if they wanna get violent with witnesses around even better. then i get to sue the building management and owners! then got even happier ending. Me getting rich!!! :p