Nikon D750 Official

I encountered an unusual issue with my D750. A few times after I locked focus (using the assigned AF on button) but I couldn't trigger the shutter to take the shot. I noticed in the viewfinder, on the bottom left display, there's a right pointing arrow appearing...somehow indicating the focus is not locked. The scene i'm shooting have sufficient light. Has anyone face this before?

I actually just encountered this today while testing my 85mm 1.8G.. It happened a couple of times and yeah even when the lights are sufficient. Have you managed to find out what went wrong?

You can try setting the AF-S and AF-C priority selection to release as suggested by one of the brothers and see if it's work for you. It didn't happen to me again but I'll monitor closely.

I do have another strange issue. No matter how many focus points I selected I can only see one small focus box while the rest are dots on the viewfinder. Only exception is the group points where I will see 4 focus boxes.
I said it strange because i do remember in the beginning i can see the number of small focus boxes depending on how many focus points i have selected.
Any suggestions?

most of the shops have creditcard EMI better call & check with them what CC's they accept


I dropped the kit lens that comes with it, and thinking of getting the lens of 16mm - 35mm for travel and general photography(birthday, etc). Usually for travel i am too lazy to change lens here and there, any comment on that lens on the D750?


I dropped the kit lens that comes with it, and thinking of getting the lens of 16mm - 35mm for travel and general photography(birthday, etc). Usually for travel i am too lazy to change lens here and there, any comment on that lens on the D750?

I'm using a 16-35 with my d750. Focuses fast and spot on. I feel that images are quite sharp even at its widest. The only downside I feel is the inability to reach further, but then again, it's a UWA lens, further reach will definitely cost a lot more.

Hmm, my camera hung once.. and I still get the odd lag time between shots... even with the new 90/mg/s card.... :(

I'm using a 16-35 with my d750. Focuses fast and spot on. I feel that images are quite sharp even at its widest. The only downside I feel is the inability to reach further, but then again, it's a UWA lens, further reach will definitely cost a lot more.

cool thanks. yeah,that's what i read in some of the reviews too.

Does anyone have a link to where I can d/l the new firmware?

I actually just encountered this today while testing my 85mm 1.8G.. It happened a couple of times and yeah even when the lights are sufficient. Have you managed to find out what went wrong?

Yup I encountered this the other day too on the 85 f1.8G..had enough distance to subject and in a well lit room..although the subject's face has heavy shadows..but I had the shutter set to release on AF-S so the picture should be taken regardless but it just didn' a split second I focus on another subject and the shutter was activated..went back to the same subject and the shutter refused to release..funny..

Hi any one knows the actual bitrate for the D750 at high and at Normal.
Some say Hight is at 42mb and the normal is 24mb.


Just verified : D750 video on HIGH quality setting is recording on at least a 42mb bitrate. Which is higher than the current 5D MK3 quality.

Let's pray for international recall and compensation with a d760

What's the market rate for a brand new body? Am considering to upgrade my camera to full frame.