Nikon D70 Body Sticky

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New Member
Dec 8, 2004
Dear fellow nikon users,
My D70 body has developed a sticky film. Is there any way to get rid of it? Any advice or remedy will be appreciated. Thanks.

Update 6 Mar 09:
Parts for replacement are here. Send in D70 to NSC for repair. I must comment NSC friendly staffs and excellent service. They even call me to inform me about the dust in my view finder and provide me explanation and recommendations for a full service which cost $120.

For D200 the cost of servicing is $160

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Most likely the rubber lining is wearing out with age. You can get it fixed at the Nikon Service Centre.

Don't touch, don't wipe with anything, put in a dry cabinet for a few days.

Thanks. I already done that but it is still the same.
The same thing also happened to my F90X and F55 film camera. Only my D200 is OK. They are all kept in dry cabinet. Wonder if it is some kind of chemical reaction????

Most likely the rubber lining is wearing out with age. You can get it fixed at the Nikon Service Centre.

OK. Thanks. Will pay NSC a visit later this week. Any idea how much it cost?

Is your dry-cabi too dry?

Can just call NSC for the pricing first.

Let me know the price if you manage to get the qoute.
My D70 is also getting a little sticky after using for nearly 5 years

You can ask NSC to fix it lor...

My F80 is like that too.. Although my 4 years old D70 is fine...

Let me know the price if you manage to get the qoute.
My D70 is also getting a little sticky after using for nearly 5 years

OK. Will keep you posted once I get quote.

Giveup on ur D70 liao! You've got D3 to meddle around!:D

What's the price?

Giveup on ur D70 liao! You've got D3 to meddle around!:D

Ha..ha... my D70 still serve me well. I took it to Denmark with extreme cold temperature and on top of a wind turbine.... still working fine except data transfer seems to slow down with a sandisk ultra II CF. My D200 also survive the same test.:bsmilie:

Mmmm... how about trying to gaffer the body? :D

Thanks for the idea suggestion... but that is hiding the problem not getting rid of the problem. Anyway, the replace cost ~$76.

many thanks for the cost update.

Ha..ha... my D70 still serve me well. I took it to Denmark with extreme cold temperature and on top of a wind turbine.... still working fine except data transfer seems to slow down with a sandisk ultra II CF. My D200 also survive the same test.:bsmilie:

Sorry never join you for CNY lunch the other day. Do share with us ur Denmark photo:D
BTW, you've got D200 also, all the more the D70 need to retire glamourly..keke:bsmilie:

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