Nikon D50

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Artosoft said:
Yeah, and that time you will see D300 on the shop. Probably you will think about D300 than D200...:sweat: .


At the rate I am progressing, I think D500 more likely. :bsmilie:

superfly said:
At the rate I am progressing, I think D500 more likely. :bsmilie:
Just enjoy the camera and build up your glasses first, in time to come, bodies change, but your glasses are all that remains faithful. Don't be too hyped on upgrading bodies. The depreciation is horrendous!!!

Artosoft said:
Yeah, and that time you will see D300 on the shop. Probably you will think about D300 than D200...:sweat: .


Worse... mebbe D400 or D500 liao... hahaha

espn said:
Just enjoy the camera and build up your glasses first, in time to come, bodies change, but your glasses are all that remains faithful. Don't be too hyped on upgrading bodies. The depreciation is horrendous!!!

Good advice!

Actually I meant that by the time I know how to take decent photos with my D50 and ready to upgrade, Nikon come out with D500 liao... that's how lousy I am... :bsmilie:

As for now, will take your advice and slowly build up my lens collection, and shoot more of course!

superfly said:
Good advice!

Actually I meant that by the time I know how to take decent photos with my D50 and ready to upgrade, Nikon come out with D500 liao... that's how lousy I am... :bsmilie:

As for now, will take your advice and slowly build up my lens collection, and shoot more of course!
Shoot more and look back at your images and try means and ways to improve it. :thumbsup:

espn said:
Shoot more and look back at your images and try means and ways to improve it. :thumbsup:

Ok, will do. Thanks for the encouragement!


I am contemplating to buy a D50 too.. but recently some friends advice against it cos D50 uses SD card and heard that SD card will be phased out soon.. is it true? Anyone heard of this news too? :think:

franchez said:

I am contemplating to buy a D50 too.. but recently some friends advice against it cos D50 uses SD card and heard that SD card will be phased out soon.. is it true? Anyone heard of this news too? :think:

I definitely have not heard about it and don't think that's gonna happen in the near future. Would like to know where your friends got that information from.

franchez said:

I am contemplating to buy a D50 too.. but recently some friends advice against it cos D50 uses SD card and heard that SD card will be phased out soon.. is it true? Anyone heard of this news too? :think:
I don't think so.

SD actually is better than CF.
But, CF is already penetrate the market well.


Artosoft said:
I don't think so.

SD actually is better than CF.
But, CF is already penetrate the market well.


Eh, how did u come about the findings that SD cards are better than a CF card? I'm real curious.

same here, i think SD card is better than CF, mainly is becos of the size. in terms of speed i think both are capable of getting the same as each other.

Both D50/D70s are good cameras.
Not forgetting the older D70, if u can get 2nd hand one at a good price.

I myself is a D50 user, and I think it had served me v well.
SDcard phase out soon ?? :dunno:
Then a lots of digital cams, pda, mobile, etc. users use what ?? :bsmilie:
Even if they stop production, there will still be a lots of old stocks on the shelves.
So no need to worry.

As for the comparison between CF & SD card is useless.
Performance and price they are pretty close.

i heard SD card is more durable..
example if u accidently dropped it in your coffee take it out and wipe it, it still works..
cant say the same for CF..

Don't worry. 3.5" inch diskettes have been around for almost 15 years. And you can still find them on the market. What more for SD Cards... :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Noob Owner of a D50 = Me! :p

:thumbsup: Of course SD card is more Durable. It is a solid state memory.
Howver, care must be taken to ensure that they don't have prolonged exposure to the environment 'naked'. This helps to prolong their life.

If SD card is phase out, ALL COOLPIX (Except 8000 series) will have to phase out
(Along with A LOT OF PnS Cameras)

Also, SD card prices are Sooooo low now. Nearly 5 cents per Megabyte. Where to find now...

(OOT: Cheapest Thumbdrive now = SD card reader + SD Card Combo)
[My Kingston SD Card reader = $5. 1G SD Card = %57: Total = $62) - Computer fair price.

CF card not solid state memory? :dunno:

Andy Ang said:
:thumbsup: Of course SD card is more Durable. It is a solid state memory.

my SD card went into the laundry together with my pants. Came out cleaner and still working.:bigeyes:

veefer said:
my SD card went into the laundry together with my pants. Came out cleaner and still working.:bigeyes:

can u lend me ur SD card and lemmi try out in my washing machine too??? :think: :bsmilie:

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