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know nuts about anything shot above water, but i like! :)

Well done, Zemotion. My offer of camera setup still stands. Ditto to William, the generous pool owner.

As for Yun.....:lovegrin: .

too ashamed for not doing a good job on you and Zemotion the last time.

kthan said:
know nuts about anything shot above water, but i like! :)

Well done, Zemotion. My offer of camera setup still stands. Ditto to William, the generous pool owner.

As for Yun.....:lovegrin: .

too ashamed for not doing a good job on you and Zemotion the last time.

hey, don't say that~ There were some shots that cld be used from the shoot that day. Just one or two gd shots is enough. :)

very much thanks to william for lending us his place. :D

hi zee that was very good style and I like the ideas. Though the picture was a bit dark it bring out the style that you want to protray.

Should I learn from you, Can teach me your style.

kthan said:
know nuts about anything shot above water, but i like! :)

Well done, Zemotion. My offer of camera setup still stands. Ditto to William, the generous pool owner.

As for Yun.....:lovegrin: .

too ashamed for not doing a good job on you and Zemotion the last time.
haha yes yes! i still want to shoot uw!!! but i need to sort out what dresses i can sacrifice for all those chlorinated waters first. :bsmilie:

Kagetsuki said:
hey, don't say that~ There were some shots that cld be used from the shoot that day. Just one or two gd shots is enough. :)

very much thanks to william for lending us his place. :D
yeap agreed.. we learnt some from every session.. ^^

redstone, Dryden, airforce1: thanks~ i think it appears abit too dark maybe i calibrated my monitor too much? o_O cuz on both my PC and macbook they look just nice.. on regular monitors at friend's place or others they tend to look abit too dark

Thks Kthan ! I kind of feel bad to ask a model again to get under water with all that it involves. More than i tought!

Our three models were very stoic on that day and for that they have all my respect.

Let's get togheter if you want to start above the water pic !;)

kthan said:
know nuts about anything shot above water, but i like! :)

Well done, Zemotion. My offer of camera setup still stands. Ditto to William, the generous pool owner.

As for Yun.....:lovegrin: .

too ashamed for not doing a good job on you and Zemotion the last time.

Chlorine? Anybody needs chlorine ?

Here got lots of chlorine, cheap, cheap ! Lelong, lelong !!!!!:bsmilie: :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

zemotion said:
haha yes yes! i still want to shoot uw!!! but i need to sort out what dresses i can sacrifice for all those chlorinated waters first. :bsmilie:

I did not do much!

You did your thing! And this is what the result is about !

Congrats once again !

zemotion said:
heyyy~~ thanks so much for your help! :lovegrin:

well i didn't know how to do anything more complicated about the lighting anyway.. :sweatsm: thanks alot for your help ;)

ps: we should meet up sometime to exchange the photos, i havne't finished processing that set yet though. =(

Little thing but done with pleasure.;)

Kagetsuki said:
hey, don't say that~ There were some shots that cld be used from the shoot that day. Just one or two gd shots is enough. :)

very much thanks to william for lending us his place. :D

From a noob's POV: Wah. Impressive shots. :thumbsup: #1 and #3 stand out the most, especially #1, has the most impact. Shots look rather dark/underexposed on my monitor screen though, not sure if thats part of the effect. Good series, keep shooting! :)

Garion said:
From a noob's POV: Wah. Impressive shots. :thumbsup: #1 and #3 stand out the most, especially #1, has the most impact. Shots look rather dark/underexposed on my monitor screen though, not sure if thats part of the effect. Good series, keep shooting! :)
you noob then i'm negativity liao :(

anyway thanks ^^ yeah they look alright on my pc and macbook, so i guess either i overcalibrated my screens or some other screens in the markets are just generally darker. :confused:

Pro Image said:
I guess the lighting was place behind the model since the only source of light was coming from behind. There maybe a 45 degree reflector with honey comb being use as well. Some other parts of the photos light source was by the side but still behind the model

I would guess the aperture of the lens is closed down to around f8-f11. Maybe a 50mm lens is used.

Photos have been heavily PSed.

Most probably shot beside a swimming pool during night time.
Comments more like CSI - show us how to get this kind of results, thanks.

I think the reason why #3 works so well is because of the controlled amount of detail available. The amount is just perfect, not too much and yet not too little. The reason why the other images don't work as well is because they deviate from this "perfect" mark by a bit.

Nevertheless, a very good set. I like the use of the white bikini because it stands out. Black just wouldn't do it for me and I think that it is better as it is than it would be nude.

All in all, I think that if you get that one stunner in a whole set it's a pretty damn good shoot. Congrats.

U shouldn't be surprised if I tell u that I like ur style ;)

Again, tis series is impressive and I'd pick pic #3 as my fav of the lot.

Just as a feedback, all the pics do appear a little too dark on my LCD (though u noe I still dig dark pics)..

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