night shot with D90


New Member
May 25, 2009
D90 newbies here, when i use it to shoot night shot.. why inside the viewfinder will show "job nr"..what wrong on this??

D90 newbies here, when i use it to shoot night shot.. why inside the viewfinder will show "job nr"..what wrong on this??

Job NR means it is doing a Long exposure noise reduction. How long will it take? As long as your exposure. If your picture's exposure is 30 seconds, LENR will take 30 seconds. For most of us landscape photographers, we turn it off.

Job NR means it is doing a Long exposure noise reduction. How long will it take? As long as your exposure. If your picture's exposure is 30 seconds, LENR will take 30 seconds. For most of us landscape photographers, we turn it off.

to add on a bit... the NR job starts when shutter speed is set to 8seconds or longer...

can turn it off though... press Info button twice... select the left most icon...

Just turn it off. I never found it useful anyway.

You can always do NR by post-processing on the computer.

Imagine having to wait 10sec after every 10sec exposure.;(

Imagine a 3-5 minute exposure... Die...

i normally wait for it to process... because of my oh-so-slow PC at home... :cry:

if can do it in PC i guess i could save a hell lot of time... i normally take night shots like after midnight to 3am... 2 hours happily can only take less than 20 shots... and it's juicing the battery at insane speed... :cry:

thanks all the info..

i normally wait for it to process... because of my oh-so-slow PC at home... :cry:

if can do it in PC i guess i could save a hell lot of time... i normally take night shots like after midnight to 3am... 2 hours happily can only take less than 20 shots... and it's juicing the battery at insane speed... :cry:

There is no way you can reproduce the NR 100% in a PC even if you have a powerful PC. You can google to find out more about how the NR works - the camera needs to take another pic right on the spot with equal exposure time.