Newbie Questions

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Hi everyone, I'm using Sony F707 and on one of my shooting session, I set the camera to program mode.

The camera automatically set the ISO to 320 (the lighting was pretty poor) and thus causing the resulting image to be really 'noisy'.

Does anyone know how to edit the image so that the 'noise' present can be reduced ?

Also how do I calculate the minimum distance that a lens (say 200mm on 35mm format) can focus on a subject ? Is the minimum focusing distance for a 200mm lens constant for all brands (nikon, sigma, ect..) ? Is the minimum focusing distance for a normal 200mm prime lens and a 200mm macro lens the same ?

Thanks for any advise rendered.

Originally posted by Kachiko
Is the minimum focusing distance for a 200mm lens constant for all brands (nikon, sigma, ect..) ? Is the minimum focusing distance for a normal 200mm prime lens and a 200mm macro lens the same ?

Thanks for any advise rendered.

No and no.

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