Netiquette - Desirable or not?

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New Member
Hi guys, seeking some opinion here.

This happened on another local photo forum. Mr. A posted an ad to sell his camera at $1k. Soon after, Mr. B posted a reply on the thread to sell his camera, same model as Mr. A's, at $700.

This incurred the wrath of many members who saw red at Mr. B's post. They insisted Mr. B should have started a new thread instead of impinging on Mr. A's. Mr. B replied soon after and rebutted that he was simply placing an ad to provide the best price for 'customers'.

Mr. B is a professional photog who regularly conducts courses. Unsure of Mr. A's profile.

Whatever it is, this post surely gained exposure for their posts, intended or not...

I thought it was definitely not nice of Mr. B to post like this. A member compared it with a tout selling his ware outside CP at a lower price, 'to give best prices to customers'. After all, it doesn't take that one second too many for Mr. B to start another thread, does it?

What do you guys think?

IMHO, the moderator should have stepped in and spilt the thread into 2 separate threads. No further arguments then and end of story. ;)

Originally posted by rayman
Hi guys, seeking some opinion here.

This happened on another local photo forum. Mr. A posted an ad to sell his camera at $1k. Soon after, Mr. B posted a reply on the thread to sell his camera, same model as Mr. A's, at $700.

This incurred the wrath of many members who saw red at Mr. B's post. They insisted Mr. B should have started a new thread instead of impinging on Mr. A's. Mr. B replied soon after and rebutted that he was simply placing an ad to provide the best price for 'customers'.

Mr. B is a professional photog who regularly conducts courses. Unsure of Mr. A's profile.

Whatever it is, this post surely gained exposure for their posts, intended or not...

I thought it was definitely not nice of Mr. B to post like this. A member compared it with a tout selling his ware outside CP at a lower price, 'to give best prices to customers'. After all, it doesn't take that one second too many for Mr. B to start another thread, does it?

What do you guys think?

Hmmm..I find this incident awefully similar to one I read not too long ago............;)

I think MR B should have post an apology immediately and not try to justify his action. Technically he May be right but courtery-wise, he is wrong. I like the analogy used by one of the post about Mr A flagging a taxi and Mr B just go in without asking since they are going the same place.

Yes I've read the other forum post, but I am not a registered member there so I can't post and also I do not want to add more chili over there. ;)

Yes, it certainly wasn't nice of Mr B. I'd have split the thread and sent a nice PM to Mr. B. :p

As a form of courtesy, Mr B should have posted a seperate thread and allow market forces to take over.

This goes on to say (I not trying to be personal) takes kung fu to shoot great pictures but it'll take even more kung fu to deal with people! ;)

Originally posted by YSLee
Yes, it certainly wasn't nice of Mr B. I'd have split the thread and sent a nice PM to Mr. B. :p

Only over there, the forum software is a bit more primitive, and dun think there's pm. ;p


The moderator chose to adopt a lassez faire attitude towards this incident. I would have done so too if I were in his shoes.

The reason being Mr. B has not done anything wrong, technically. So how do we fault someone for not doing the right thing, which is not wrong of him?

Oh yes, there are still posts hurled at Mr. B's abrupt post. Not much point sending a PM to him even if we can over there. His mindset is rather fixed...

Mr. B says
1. whats all this fuss about and why so touchy over such a small matter....
2. my {camera} has been sold
3. I would not mind if someone did the same to me in my own tread thus I did not feel that it is wrong to do so in others. besides did i say anything bad about {Mr. A} or what {Mr. A} is selling?
4. {To another member}, in what way have i 'crashed'others peoples tread?
5. what does the moderator think? comments please.
6. I am not under cuttig {Mr. A} as I have already stated much earlier that I was selling at $700. there has been no change in price.
7. Anyway, item sold - {Mr. A} and company I will not 'crash' any of your treads in future.

Just to demonstrate what I mean by his fixed mindset...
{Amended portions of Mr. B's reply}

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