Need Suggestions for chinese wedding shoots


New Member
Mar 17, 2011
Hi guys,

Have done some search on this forum. Some of my doubts are answered whereas some have not.

Currently me and my friend are invited to help out in shooting one of our friend's wedding this coming friday. We are probably the main photographers for the day and it's our first time!(Holy @&*%#@). Anyway, we are to cover the whole day's event plus dinner. We have informed the groom that we are very inexperience and guess he have accepted it. We are very inexperience in wedding occasions as we seldom invited for weddings events.

We are currently facing some issues which 1 or 2 of them are very bad from my point of view. Would really need some of your experienced views.
- Since we are the main photographer, probably we ain't gona eat for dinner. Should we still give ang baos?
- Personally, I plan to take some videos(just for those important moments). Which should I concentrate on?
- Anticipation is surely a problem as we do not have clear info on the day's planning, only thing we know now is go to his house, afternoon do some wedding shoots then shoot dinner at night at some restaurant. We don't know the place of wedding shoots, if transport is provide anot? If not transportation, how do we take first hand shots when going for dinner at night(example shooting the arrival moment to the restaurant)?
- We've got some very last min info that due to some reasons, one of us must use the groom's D90 instead of our GF1(agreed earlier). <=== this thing makes me super stress and I can't even borrow the D90 for practice.

I had tried to describe the situation to my best ability. Any questions with regards to my situation can just ask. I would be very glad to answer them to help myself.

Thanks guys!

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toshie said:
Hi guys,

Have done some search on this forum. Some of my doubts are answered whereas some have not.

Currently me and my friend are invited to help out in shooting one of our friend's wedding this coming friday. We are probably the main photographers for the day and it's our first time!(Holy @&*%#@). Anyway, we are to cover the whole day's event plus dinner. We have informed the groom that we are very inexperience and guess he have accepted it. We are very inexperience in wedding occasions as we seldom invited for weddings events.

We are currently facing some issues which 1 or 2 of them are very bad from my point of view. Would really need some of your experienced views.
- Since we are the main photographer, probably we ain't gona eat for dinner. Should we still give ang baos?
- Personally, I plan to take some videos(just for those important moments). Which should I concentrate on?
- Anticipation is surely a problem as we do not have clear info on the day's planning, only thing we know now is go to his house, afternoon do some wedding shoots then shoot dinner at night at some restaurant. We don't know the place of wedding shoots, if transport is provide anot? If not transportation, how do we take first hand shots when going for dinner at night(example shooting the arrival moment to the restaurant)?
- We've got some very last min info that due to some reasons, one of us must use the groom's D90 instead of our GF1(agreed earlier). <=== this thing makes me super stress and I can't even borrow the D90 for practice.

I had tried to describe the situation to my best ability. Any questions with regards to my situation can just ask. I would be very glad to answer them to help myself.

Thanks guys!

This shouldn't be in this thread as a lot of the photographers who can advise you might missed this altogether. Anyhows here goes my two cents:

1. Charge for the shoot or don't shoot at all

As inexperienced as you are, if the groom expects something, charge for it. Don't shoot for free and make yourself all upset working for the whole day. It's a very stressful day where you can't afford to make mistakes. If you're not confident, don't help.

2. Speaking from experience, I do not bother to eat at all unless the groom insist. And no, no ang pows. They should be paying you as per my point 1.

3. Stick to photography and leave videoing to another person.

You have to plan ahead with the schedule given by the groom/planner and stick to a workflow. Don't switch in the middle. Plan for contingencies as well. While there are some who opt for a mixture of video and stills, the audio coming from video are not usable most of the time. Since you do not have the experience, don't bother. Stick to your comfort level.

4. Insist on a proper schedule

Fail to plan, plan to fail. The wedding ceremony is too big an event to leave it to free flow, especially for newbies. Insist on going through every single step and recce the spot if you are not confident. Do not leave it to chance and free play. Work out all your doubts and thrash it with the groom, while he might grouch at you with stressing him now, he'd be grateful to you in the end if you deliver.

5. Insist on your comfort level

Is he paying? If not why bother? You're only going to screw up with something you're not familiar with in the whole workflow (using his DSLR for instance).

The tone is harsh, but remember - the wedding is not going to encore just because you're ill prepared for it.

Especially when you're suddenly thrown down as the main photog.

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We are currently facing some issues which 1 or 2 of them are very bad from my point of view. Would really need some of your experienced views.
- Since we are the main photographer, probably we ain't gona eat for dinner. Should we still give ang baos?

just give ang bao for the dinner and take turns to eat,
accept any ang bao given by them or their parents, make clear to them you guys accept it as for "good luck", you guys are not being paid, just to help them out.

- Personally, I plan to take some videos(just for those important moments). Which should I concentrate on?
take video,
photo for the group photos and the formal shots, very eng than take some arty farty photos

- Anticipation is surely a problem as we do not have clear info on the day's planning, only thing we know now is go to his house, afternoon do some wedding shoots then shoot dinner at night at some restaurant. We don't know the place of wedding shoots, if transport is provide anot? If not transportation, how do we take first hand shots when going for dinner at night(example shooting the arrival moment to the restaurant)?
hallo, no break meh?
morn/afternoon event end after 2nd tea ceremony, than go home take a rest, wash up, recharge batteries, download images, take a nap, than see them at restaurant around 6.45pm.

- We've got some very last min info that due to some reasons, one of us must use the groom's D90 instead of our GF1(agreed earlier). <=== this thing makes me super stress and I can't even borrow the D90 for practice.
get a hotshoe flash, set camera in P mode and bring lots of batteries and memory cards

remember, you guys are only helping your friend, you do your best, that is his choice to ask you guys for help, he have to live with what you guys give him, don't be too hard on yourself.

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- Since we are the main photographer, probably we ain't gona eat for dinner. Should we still give ang baos?
>> Ang Pao is a token of friendship/good faith/congratulations. Just give as normal if he/she is your friend.
Don't expect any reward other than the experience of taking photos and having some keepers.
Take turns eating dinner.
There will always be a lull in activity for the dinner.

- Personally, I plan to take some videos(just for those important moments). Which should I concentrate on?
>> Depends on your competency (photos or videos).
Personally, I'd just do photos and not juggle too many balls.

- Anticipation is surely a problem as we do not have clear info on the day's planning, only thing we know now is go to his house, afternoon do some wedding shoots then shoot dinner at night at some restaurant. We don't know the place of wedding shoots, if transport is provide anot? If not transportation, how do we take first hand shots when going for dinner at night(example shooting the arrival moment to the restaurant)?
>> You should ask. I think you friend should be happy to provide the transport and information, since the photos are 'free' :)

- We've got some very last min info that due to some reasons, one of us must use the groom's D90 instead of our GF1(agreed earlier). <=== this thing makes me super stress and I can't even borrow the D90 for practice.
>> This one, you got to put your foot down if you are not familiar with the camera.
If it was me, I'd certainly refuse to use the D90 since I'd be fumbling with exp compensation; WB adj, etc.

Good luck :)

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Dude, I agree. You either do it as a pro (paid and all), or do it 'for fun', and insist that you're not the main photographer. Anything in between just sets things up the wrong way, with the wrong expectations.

Yey~ Just reached home after work ^^.

Opps, sorry guys. I did forgot to mention about the pay thingy. And yes, he will pay us. Pay wise, it is very little comparing to hiring a photographer. I would say its more like "a token of appreciation". No worries, I'm looking at it as helping my friend out(and of course building my portfolio :p). I asked about the ang bao is to know how it should be, is giving ang bao the way it should be?

Expectation wise, my groom friend should know what to expect of me since we do come out and take photos and we communicated before about this. As long we are able to capture his moments, nice or not is another thing.

Video wise... Yeh, its very truth about the sound that zan82's talking about. I overlooked about it. Hence, I'll skip videoing.

As for the schedule, guess I have to really chase after him about it(will try my best...).

Whether to go with D90?
Following through the discussion, seems that I can still use D90 whereas some strongly disagree. Maybe I just carry 2 cameras along. Shooting with D90(with his sb900 O.O) as the main camera and in situations that I can't handle, will switch to GF1 on the spot. My guess that's the best way?

I actually do agree with cannedpineapples. Do insist that you are not the main photog. Even though it's a friend it is always good to keep it clear from the start. Taking up the role of the main photographer is a huge responsibility.

one more point. You mentioned you and your friend are covering the entire day. That means, probably following to the brides home, to tea ceremony, maybe some outdoor shoot, then dinner. Maybe church or ROM, depending also (you didnt mention). If its your first time, I also seriously suggest you go to each of these places to do recce first. e.g. have a look at the wedding dinner (hotel ballroom or restaurant). Look for good vantage points, walkthrough in your mind where the bride and groom will walk into the place, where you and your friend needs to be stationed etc.. do some test shots at each of the locations, so that you are sure the flash is powerful enough, what kind of lighting, what ISO, AWB etc

Event photography is no joke. You need to do a lot of prework if its your first time. : )

I suggest not to get paid,

reason #1, if you are not being paid, you will still own the full rights of the images, noting to do whether you are using his camera or shooting under his instruction.

reason #2, you are solely helping him out as a friend, out of your own free will. but once you are paid, even it is only $2, you will be consider as hired photographer, anyone in their household will treat you as contractor/vendor/or whatever, no longer as a friends or guest of the wedding couple.

reason #3, you are not being treated fairly, being offer only a small faction of hired photographers are charging, if you are being paid, nobody will care how much you are being paid but will expect you to perform what a seasonal photographer do.

I shot countless weddings, my advice to you is "keep it simple"

Tell the wedding couple not to expect perfect shots due to your inexperience. Always shoot with flash. If you are not familiar with the camera, set to ISO 800 (D90) Program mode. Therefore bring plenty and plenty of batteries and memory cards. Bring a back up camera. If it is m43, set to ISO400 max. Again Flash, plenty batteries and memory card. Keep cool. You will miss some shots but it's OK. You are inexperienced! Just hope you don't lose a friend.

one more point. You mentioned you and your friend are covering the entire day. That means, probably following to the brides home, to tea ceremony, maybe some outdoor shoot, then dinner. Maybe church or ROM, depending also (you didnt mention). If its your first time, I also seriously suggest you go to each of these places to do recce first. e.g. have a look at the wedding dinner (hotel ballroom or restaurant). Look for good vantage points, walkthrough in your mind where the bride and groom will walk into the place, where you and your friend needs to be stationed etc.. do some test shots at each of the locations, so that you are sure the flash is powerful enough, what kind of lighting, what ISO, AWB etc

Event photography is no joke. You need to do a lot of prework if its your first time. : )

Hey, that's what I want to do exactly. Probably possible to visualize at the grooms home and the wedding dinner place. But for wedding shots....I have totally no idea where they planning to go.

Tell the wedding couple not to expect perfect shots due to your inexperience. Always shoot with flash. If you are not familiar with the camera, set to ISO 800 (D90) Program mode. Therefore bring plenty and plenty of batteries and memory cards. Bring a back up camera. If it is m43, set to ISO400 max. Again Flash, plenty batteries and memory card. Keep cool. You will miss some shots but it's OK. You are inexperienced! Just hope you don't lose a friend.

No problems, I'm sure that won't happen^^. I'm pretty confident with my m4/3. As for D90, your suggestions definitely helps alot! I got it noted. Thanks!

Do remember to review the pics every once in a while.
If only to ensure that there's a storage card in the cam..

I suggest not to get paid,

reason #1, if you are not being paid, you will still own the full rights of the images, noting to do whether you are using his camera or shooting under his instruction.

reason #2, you are solely helping him out as a friend, out of your own free will. but once you are paid, even it is only $2, you will be consider as hired photographer, anyone in their household will treat you as contractor/vendor/or whatever, no longer as a friends or guest of the wedding couple.

reason #3, you are not being treated fairly, being offer only a small faction of hired photographers are charging, if you are being paid, nobody will care how much you are being paid but will expect you to perform what a seasonal photographer do.

I shot countless weddings, my advice to you is "keep it simple"

If its that serious, I might really consider your option....

This sounds bad to me. Some people lost their friendship like that.

But to address your questions:

- Since we are the main photographer, probably we ain't gona eat for dinner. Should we still give ang baos?

No need to give ang bao. They should give you. (Seriously I had declined fiends on budget but instead just give a bigger than usual ang pow when I attend as guest)

- Personally, I plan to take some videos(just for those important moments). Which should I concentrate on?

Not a good idea. Concentrate on photos and end of the day they have a wedding story or at least a record. Break the flow to do video and they get random short clips here and there. Its really a full videographer's job, just like wedding photography is a full wedding photographer's job. Skimping on photography is already bad enough.

- Anticipation is surely a problem as we do not have clear info on the day's planning, only thing we know now is go to his house, afternoon do some wedding shoots then shoot dinner at night at some restaurant. We don't know the place of wedding shoots, if transport is provide anot? If not transportation, how do we take first hand shots when going for dinner at night(example shooting the arrival moment to the restaurant)?

Wedding seldom follow strictly to plan, especially on timings, usually runs late. Most likely they forgot to plan transportation for you, or hope that you can provide your own or bear the taxi fare yourself. Or they 'think' you can easily follow one of the brother's car. Maybe you can with just one camera.

- We've got some very last min info that due to some reasons, one of us must use the groom's D90 instead of our GF1(agreed earlier). <=== this thing makes me super stress and I can't even borrow the D90 for practice.

Donno what to say...

But, hiyah! Good luck lah good luck!

This sounds bad to me. Some people lost their friendship like that.

But to address your questions:

- Since we are the main photographer, probably we ain't gona eat for dinner. Should we still give ang baos?

No need to give ang bao. They should give you. (Seriously I had declined fiends on budget but instead just give a bigger than usual ang pow when I attend as guest)

- Personally, I plan to take some videos(just for those important moments). Which should I concentrate on?

Not a good idea. Concentrate on photos and end of the day they have a wedding story or at least a record. Break the flow to do video and they get random short clips here and there. Its really a full videographer's job, just like wedding photography is a full wedding photographer's job. Skimping on photography is already bad enough.

- Anticipation is surely a problem as we do not have clear info on the day's planning, only thing we know now is go to his house, afternoon do some wedding shoots then shoot dinner at night at some restaurant. We don't know the place of wedding shoots, if transport is provide anot? If not transportation, how do we take first hand shots when going for dinner at night(example shooting the arrival moment to the restaurant)?

Wedding seldom follow strictly to plan, especially on timings, usually runs late. Most likely they forgot to plan transportation for you, or hope that you can provide your own or bear the taxi fare yourself. Or they 'think' you can easily follow one of the brother's car. Maybe you can with just one camera.

- We've got some very last min info that due to some reasons, one of us must use the groom's D90 instead of our GF1(agreed earlier). <=== this thing makes me super stress and I can't even borrow the D90 for practice.

Donno what to say...

But, hiyah! Good luck lah good luck!

Thanks sjackal! Probably won't be that bad until friendship lost lah. Unless he realli go back on his words and look for quality....den jialat T.T

Oh yah.... forgot to mention something that needs to taken note off. Since they had shot their wedding photos earlier, guess the heavy reponsibility of shooting professional wedding photos will not be on us for that wedding day.

Thanks sjackal! Probably won't be that bad until friendship lost lah. Unless he realli go back on his words and look for quality....den jialat T.T

Don't forget many other people will have comments on your output- not just your friend. Most importantly, the bride always cares about pictures a lot, for example (every bride wants to look like a princess on her once-in-a-lifetime day). Then there are both sides' family, their friends, etc. Too many ways for things to go wrong, but of course it's your call. Good luck!

Relax and shoot. Can browse on other photographers work and see what moments they shoot during the traditional wedding. Group photo, need to be thick skin abit and tell guest to stand here and there.
m4/3 or d90, be sure u have a external flash. If there is low white ceilings, always use bonuce flash..ur photo will turn out well and pro looking.:)

Don't forget many other people will have comments on your output- not just your friend. Most importantly, the bride always cares about pictures a lot, for example (every bride wants to look like a princess on her once-in-a-lifetime day). Then there are both sides' family, their friends, etc. Too many ways for things to go wrong, but of course it's your call. Good luck!

Okay~ I'll look at it as a good chance for portfolio and also exp. Either ways, I'll do my best! Thanks~