Need recommendation for Zoom Lenses


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
I have the 14-140. Need a better zoom lens for moon shots/long zoom. Money is no problem but I want to stay with Pana/Oly lenses.

Any recommendation? Tx.

Sigma 50-500 with mmf adapter, or else 70-300 is the next closest thing, or was it 100-300 from Panasonic? I get lost, not much super telephoto, next best is 4/3 300mm f2.8 Zuiko Digital with MMF but I doubt you'll want that even if money is no issue hahaha, any other critera other than moon shots/long zoom, and please elaborate what you mean by long zoom

Sigma 50-500 equals 1000mm range , wow ; can even see the rabbits on the moon's surface :)

Oly 300mm f2.8, on a m4/3 camera you get an equivalent of 600mm. But that is a prime lens. The other option is the Oly 70-300mm or Pana 100-300mm.

What kinda moon shots? Might wanna consider a telescope + telescope adapter for m4/3 perhaps.

Like last time, Schmidli used a Canon 1D X DSLR and a 2x teleconverter. In terms of focal length, Schmidli decided to step things up a bit and use an 800mm f/5.6L IS instead of the 600mm f/4L IS II he used last time. Thus, the total effective focal length for this shoot was a whopping 1600mm.

What kinda moon shots? Might wanna consider a telescope + telescope adapter for m4/3 perhaps.

I second this, can shoot stars and other things too but the rig is quite expensive from what I saw, if very serious about it.

if not too serious (zoom focal length) can consider 40-150 f2.8 which will be more versatile I think (than 100-300/75-300), if couple with O12-40/2.8 or P12-35/2.8, superb for traveling.

Or get ZD 50-200 f2.8-3.5 + MMF adapter to use on EM1, it's big though, it will AF fast on rumored EM1. Time to sell your EM5 ;p

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if not too serious (zoom focal length) can consider 40-150 f2.8 which will be more versatile I think (than 100-300/75-300), if couple with O12-40/2.8 or P12-35/2.8, superb for traveling.

Or get ZD 50-200 f2.8-3.5 + MMF adapter to use on EM1, it's big though, it will AF fast on rumored EM1. Time to sell your EM5 ;p

Think he looking for more zoom lei, then he using 14-140, not much diff from 40-150 in focal length lol

Think he looking for more zoom lei, then he using 14-140, not much diff from 40-150 in focal length lol

lol, an old friend:) trying to persuade him to sell 14-140 lah, can? :bsmilie:

Wah i not so hardcore serial flipper for cam/lenses like u! :D

Just looking for a longer zoom than the current 14-140 with the best iq that the mkt can offer. I confused with all the zoom lenses. Most time using prime only.

Maybe rephrase my qn, wats a better and longer zoom than the 14-140 that is still within the m4/3 family. I do trek, so i will bring it out. Telescopic rig sounds scary to me!

lol, an old friend:) trying to persuade him to sell 14-140 lah, can? :bsmilie:

Of course can!:bsmilie:

Wah i not so hardcore serial flipper for cam/lenses like u! :D

Just looking for a longer zoom than the current 14-140 with the best iq that the mkt can offer. I confused with all the zoom lenses. Most time using prime only.

Currently from my current memory of lenses, the best is 90-250 with mmf adapter, if you want native m43, don't think there's really anything better than a 14-140 though there are longer than that

Maybe rephrase my qn, wats a better and longer zoom than the 14-140 that is still within the m4/3 family. I do trek, so i will bring it out. Telescopic rig sounds scary to me!

There are only 2 native lenses longer than 140/150 mm. That's the oly 75-300 and panny 100-300.

There are only 2 native lenses longer than 140/150 mm. That's the oly 75-300 and panny 100-300.

Ya, that's right. Oly 75-300 (there's 2 versions, II being cheaper than I) F4.8-6.7 is slight less bright than P100-300 F4-5.6, Oly weigh 430g vs Pana 520g. There's some good shots on this birding thread to give you an idea of lens performance. Since you use EM5, IS on lens is lesser of a consideration, which pany has, Oly doesn't. One of the few people who has both lenses is "motionstills" who's very helpful, you can PM him for more of his views, though his Oly lens is Mark1.

Sigma 50-500 with mmf adapter, or else 70-300 is the next closest thing, or was it 100-300 from Panasonic? I get lost, not much super telephoto, next best is 4/3 300mm f2.8 Zuiko Digital with MMF but I doubt you'll want that even if money is no issue hahaha, any other critera other than moon shots/long zoom, and please elaborate what you mean by long zoom
You mean there is not much telephoto in this lens below ? Is 300 (equiv of 600) not tele enuf ?

Lumix® G VARIO 100-300mm / F4.0-5.6 / MEGA O.I.S. Lens (wanna use this to have a close-up shoot the animals like tiger at the zoo)


600mm is somewhat barely enough to shoot the moon if you want to fill the frame (as far as I can remember, since I don't shoot the moon often and only have my 70-200, which is still 70-200). But 100-300 is tele enough to shoot most of the animals at the zoo, but it's soft and it's slow, not really recommended, in fact, I used to shoot with the 4/3 40-150 without much issues

There are only 2 native lenses longer than 140/150 mm. That's the oly 75-300 and panny 100-300.

there's also the Pany 45-175 and 45-200, one of the first m43 lenses. i still keep my 45-200 because i find the range to be practical, from portrait to long tele. when i travel and don't know what to expect, i bring the 45-200 rather than 35-100 even though the latter is 2.8

600mm is somewhat barely enough to shoot the moon if you want to fill the frame (as far as I can remember, since I don't shoot the moon often and only have my 70-200, which is still 70-200). But 100-300 is tele enough to shoot most of the animals at the zoo, but it's soft and it's slow, not really recommended, in fact, I used to shoot with the 4/3 40-150 without much issues

Thanks spidey for your post. Really appreciate it.

I search the internet & found someone's blog who did a review of this 100-300 lens:

Amongst other things he says that:
"Of course, one should normally be careful zooming while video recording, since it is very difficult to zoom smoothly. But this video shows that perfect focus while zooming cannot be expected. Again, however, it is much better than when using the Lumix G 45-200mm f/4-5.6 lens."

What do you think ?


It's up to you really, I have no need to film with super tele lens, even if I did, I would use zooms as primes. Still too soft for my taste, and the picture of the guy with the pigeon is too soft for my liking, I would expect in good light, it will perform reasonable, but the time I played with it, it was in low light condition, and for what I normally shoot, they just aren't up for the job. But of course, if you have all the time in the world, like from your office in CBD you shoot fireworks, it should be fine, but don't expect too much out of the lens, I always have that problem when I change my equipment and am often disappointed until I realize that everyone else using the same equipment has the same technical quality