Need recommendation for former minolta SLR user


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Jan 18, 2002
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Hi all,

I'm thinking of finally getting a digital SLR after these years of using a compact LX3. I own a Minolta Dynax 5 film SLR with various lenses. The obvious choice is going for a Sony for compatibility. I've not been following the digital SLR world for some time and it's confusing with the models available. Can someone perhaps point me to the right direction? I would prefer something small and light (for a SLR), similar to my Dynax 5.

Many thanks!

Hi i think you want to buy a-mount camera because the mount is the same as old DSLR

I think you need to choose if you want full frame or APSC because that will make a big difference

I think you can go sony stores and try the cameras

Hi all, I'm thinking of finally getting a digital SLR after these years of using a compact LX3. I own a Minolta Dynax 5 film SLR with various lenses. The obvious choice is going for a Sony for compatibility. I've not been following the digital SLR world for some time and it's confusing with the models available. Can someone perhaps point me to the right direction? I would prefer something small and light (for a SLR), similar to my Dynax 5. Many thanks!

Standard 35mm film equivalent size is frame sensors. On APS-C sensors, your lenses will have a crop factor of 1.5x. That means a standard 50mm lens on an APS-C sensor camera, it will become a 75mm equivalent lens. Once you decide on the sensor, the selection of A-mount camera body is easy.

Sony has been busy innovating ideas. Today there is a divergence in thoughts

1. SLT - sony dropped the flipping mirror in favor of fixed translucent lens which diverts some amount of light to achieve continuous AF. Expect fast focus, high frame rate capture and good movie recording capability

2. Mirror less - sony has few full frame along with APS-C product offering. It can still use A-mount lenses but requires an optional LAEA4 adaptor. It is also able to adapt large variety of mounts (canon, nikon, M42, M39, CY, SR, AR, and many more) with appropriate adapters. Mirror less are generally smaller as it does not have a mirror box.

Hope this helps

You will hv a few adjustment to make but as a dynax7/9 user it's a improvement.

1. Electronic viewfinder. It will not be as bright and wide as your optical but hey u can see the exposure live
2. No more push pulling
3. As a 35mm film user, using aps c will introduce distortion that may take a bit of adjustment

Form factor wise, a99 will feel heftier and solid.

Appreciate all your inputs. It is not so straight forward to just go for a choice now I see. I'll try to drop by a Sony shop soon and hope the salesmen are as knowledgeable as you all. Thanks!

Go to the one at 313. U can test out the body and lenses there.