Need a quick online crash course on flash photography - anyone can help

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New Member
Jan 26, 2007

I have a D50 and recently bought a SB-800. I am thinking to use it for tomoro's indoor event and would need some quick online crash course here on flash photography / how to use SB-800 - anyone can help? I tried to refer to the manual, but the flash dont seem to work leh...

Many thanks

Maybe just set the flash to TTL will do.

i tried, but the SB-800 doesnt flash off leh :(

i use a nikon SB600, and is also a newbie, but a few things for consideration.

1. check your batteries has power and the flash indicator lamp lights up.

2. ensure the hotshoe is properly connected (and lock it)

3. make sure the exposure mode is correct. you can try to switch to manual, aperture or shutter priority, they should all work...

4. can also try to test and press the "flash" button, and it should flash on its own whether or not it is attached to a camera.

if it does not power on and does not flash, maybe the thing you bought is faulty.

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