Nationality of Clubsnap Members

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Originally posted by beivied
wa, got lobang for cheap and good diving there or not? :D

i am a singaporean chinese, but i always get mistaken for malay. if i am unlucky, i get mistaken as a filipino maid :cry:

Beivied ... sweep floor ;p Keekeekee :D

I am also a Singaporean chinese, and also get mistaken for a Malay when I get too tanned ..

An Indian reporting here. New to singapore, new to clubsnap , and very new to photography;)

Originally posted by Retro
Beivied ... sweep floor ;p Keekeekee :D

I am also a Singaporean chinese, and also get mistaken for a Malay when I get too tanned ..

RETRO AHMAD!!!!!!! Towkay Neo wanna go pa mahjong ah!!! Quick come and drive the car!!!!!!

Ok, how about some 'Pinoys' to line-up here.. ;)

1. Marx

1. Marx
2. jo3pit
3. Bato

Singapore citizen. but.. *HUGE SIGH*

Me too.

1. Marx
2. jo3pit
3. Bato
4. luisg
5. pinoy
6. marq21
7. tonski
8. doods
9. pinoySAP


I'm a chinese born in Mauritius. :)
if you don't know where's Mauritius, do a google search...
but everyone will just take me for a singaporean.
& the funny thing is...i dnt speak chinese, and i have a hard time with people saying
"how come you chinese but you don't talk chinese". lol
Simple reason is that we speak french in my country.. ;)
k..peace all. nice to meet ya.

Indonesian Chinese here :)

Should include Filipino and Indonesian. I know there are plenty of them in this forum.

Seem like most or all from the north side one... no one from sabah or sarawak?!? :eek:

btw, i'm from labuan. Heard of it?
Dunno no problem, look here for more info :D

Ok. Air ticket by MAS is around S$600 for return ticket trip from sg-kk-labuan. sorry hor, have to transfer through kk cos labuan dun have international airport.
Heard SIA have flight to KK, and the price much cheaper then MAS. But I dunno the price.

I made a day trip to Labuan by boat (2 hours ride?) when I was in KK. :bsmilie: :bsmilie: Nice and clean place with all the duty free booze and cigarettes. SIA stopped flying to KK many years back. Silkair recently started flying there.

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