National Day Parade Rehearsals 2018 (with timings)


Senior Member
Jan 26, 2010
Took a look at the National Day Parade rehearsals the past few weeks, just sharing some shots and the latest timings of what you can see outside of the spectator stands of Float @ Marina Bay.

5.44pm - host arriving on stage by boat
5.45pm - coloured smoke burst from stage fireworks platform
5.53pm - coloured smoke burst from main fireworks platform

5.57pm - #1 - Naval combat divers parachuting from helicopter. First time seen at NDP

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - Naval Combat Divers parachuting down Jun'18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr


National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - Naval Combat Divers Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#3 - Must be difficult in those conditions

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - Naval Combat Divers Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

6.07pm - #4 - Red Lions

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR1) - Red Lions Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr


National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - Red Lions Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

6.19pm, 6.24pm - brief bursts of fireworks from stage

6.30pm - #6 - Ceremonial guns platform arrive

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - 25-pounder ceremonial guns on M3G military raft Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

6.49pm - #7 - National Flag flypast

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR1) - National Flag flypast Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

6.51pm - #8 - F15 formation in salute to the nation

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - 5x F15 formation flypast Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

6.52pm - #9 - 21 Gun Salute

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - 21 Gun Salute Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#10 - Interesting smoke formation

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - 21 Gun Salute Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr


7.02pm - #11 - RSAF Enhanced Aerial Segment with various aircraft in formation (including KC-135, F16s, C-130, Fokker 50s)

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - RSAF Enhanced Aerial Segment with 21 aircraft in formation Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#12 - Helicopter formation (consisting of chinook, super puma and seahawk)

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - RSAF Enhanced Aerial Segment Helicopter Formation Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

7.04pm - #13 - F16s doing criss cross maneuver and heart shape

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR1) - 2x F16s doing the Criss Cross maneuvre Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

7.04pm - #14 - F15 with RSAF 50th year anniversary livery doing combat turns

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR1) - F15 with RSAF 50th year anniversary livery doing combat turns Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

7.17pm brief burst of fireworks on stage
7.20pm short fireworks display on stage
7.33pm short fireworks display on stage

7.38pm #15 - Classic playground designs on floats go past stage

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - Classic playground designs on floats Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

7.43pm - #16 - short fireworks display on stage
(used 3 images for base, 4 images for stage, stage fire and fireworks. Fireworks positions are as shot, image shot with fisheye lens with manual correction of distortion in software)

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR1) - fireworks Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

8.01pm - Main fireworks 1 (end of 'Home' some)
8.09pm - Main fireworks 2 (end of NDP '18 theme song, longest)
8.16pm - Main fireworks 3 (end of national anthem)

(used 3 images for base, 1 for stage, 2 for MBS Light Show, 2 for fireworks. Fireworks positions are as shot, image shot with fisheye lens with manual correction of distortion in software)

National Day Parade Rehearsals (CR2) - fireworks Jun '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

Hope this helps :)

From the National Education shows, there's some slight changes to the timings:

The Red Lions start jump slightly earlier from 6.03pm from a C-130

And the RSAF Enhanced Aerial Segment now comes in formations instead of all together, from 7.01pm onwards

#19 - First up is the helicopter formation, then a C-130 flanked by 2x Fokker 50s

National Day Parade National Education Show 2 - C-130 flanked by 2x Fokker 50 Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#20 - Next is KC-135 flanked by 2x F16s, followed by a G550 behind

National Day Parade National Education Show 2 - KC-135 flanked by 2x F16s, followed by G550 behind Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#21 - Then 5x F15SG doing a bomb burst

National Day Parade National Education Show 1 - 5x F15 bomb burst Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#22 - After which 2x F16s make a heart shape in the air (apologies not the best angle)

National Day Parade National Education Show 1 - 2x F16 drawing heart shape Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#23 - Finally a F15 with RSAF 50th year anniversary livery will do some stunts in the air (all the other aircraft flies from the front and over the floating platform, this F15 first appears from the Right of the floating platform)

National Day Parade Combined Rehearsals 3 - F15 with RSAF 50th year anniversary livery doing a Vertical Climb '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

Summary of the timings:

5.44pm - host arriving on stage by boat
5.45pm - coloured smoke burst from stage fireworks platform
5.53pm - coloured smoke burst from main fireworks platform
5.57pm - Naval combat divers parachuting from helicopter
6.03pm - Red Lions
6.19pm, 6.24pm - brief bursts of fireworks from stage
6.30pm - Ceremonial guns platform arrive
6.49pm - National Flag flypast
6.51pm - F15 formation in salute to the nation
6.52pm - 21 Gun Salute
7.01pm - Helicopter formation
7.02pm - C-130 flanked by 2x Fokker 50s
7.02pm - KC-135 flanked by 2x F16s, followed by a G550 behind
7.03pm - 5xF15 bomb burst
7.03pm - 2xF16 doing heart shape
7.04pm - F15 with RSAF 50th year anniversary livery
7.17pm - brief burst of fireworks on stage
7.20pm - short fireworks display on stage
7.33pm - short fireworks display on stage
7.38pm - Classic playground designs on floats go past stage
7.43pm - short fireworks display on stage
8.01pm - Main fireworks 1 (end of 'Home' some)
8.09pm - Main fireworks 2 (end of NDP '18 theme song, longest)
8.16pm - Main fireworks 3 (end of national anthem)

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Just some more fireworks

#24 - This one at 7.20 is a bit difficult as it was still rather bright, so I used fireworks from 3 images combined for this shot.

National Day Parade National Education Show 1 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#25 - I think this one is the nicest of the short stage fireworks as the sky is darker with nice deep blues (7.33pm)

National Day Parade National Education Show 1 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#26 - This one also a bit difficult as the red / green fireworks at the sides are continuous and not as spread out (7.43pm)

National Day Parade National Education Show 1 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr


National Day Parade National Education Show 1 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr


National Day Parade National Education Show 1 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr

#29 - Used 2 shots of fireworks combined with base shot of 3 shots to control the highlights

National Day Parade National Education Show 1 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr


National Day Parade National Education Show 2 Fireworks Jul '18
by knowenoughhappy, on Flickr​