My World | H D R !

Hey bro, im just busy in the past few days on my work no time to visit my thread. Usually I shoot some images from -5 to +5 (11 stops in this case) so that I can achieve maximum dynamic contrast for my final HDR image manually blended. Some are 3 or just 7 because I do not really need the full dynamic contrast. Its better to have many exposure so you have a lot of choices.;):);) Then the rest image is set for 20-30 secs from +1 EV onwards, bulb mode for LE.. Then using Nik Software for multi-exposure post-processing Tone mapping & CS5 for sharpening.
Hope this helps for you!!! :);)


Keep up the good work !!

Bro TS, if you're happy with your output, just continue and enjoy, its' your photo and you like it. But for my taste, sorry to tell you that its' a bad HDR ... thanks

Angle 027

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oh wow! this is by far my favourite! nicely exposed. what aperture are u using for the star burst effect? cheers!

oh wow! this is by far my favourite! nicely exposed. what aperture are u using for the star burst effect? cheers!

Hi, based on exif image:
Exposure 15
Aperture f/8.0

The star burst effect is through the lens im using Nikkor 17-55mm, i didn't used here any star filter :);):)

Thanks for viewing my thread ^_^

Hi, based on exif image:
Exposure 15
Aperture f/8.0

The star burst effect is through the lens im using Nikkor 17-55mm, i didn't used here any star filter :);):)

Thanks for viewing my thread ^_^

thanks for the quick reply! hmm... maybe its the number of aperture blades in the lens then. becos my sigma 10-20 doesn't have such a nice star burst effect even at f11. thanks again! :)

HDR is an art. Some people strive for realism, but some strive for artistic, over-the-top expression; and that isn't wrong too. It's not about how "accurate" the place IS supposed to be in everyone's eye, and no one comes up with a rule that all photos MUST be, and look like, of that particular place. It's not a must to shoot the subject the way the it appeared in reality but how that place felt to the photographer at the point of time, and how it should look like in his interpretation. And thus, that is wilz's interpretation of that place.

And when someone says it's "bad", I think it's better off not writing that kind of useless commentary (no offence) without saying how it should be corrected. It's like hit and run. That's not nice.

Anyway Wilz, if you strive for realism, you should practice more of it, find ways to fine tune it, rather than completely stop doing it. ;) Watch your tones, highlights and saturation and if possible, manually blend all the exposures in photoshop and not use any HDR software to even tone map it. It may take much longer time to finish processing it though, but take your time, blend them, and then pause, look and see if that is what you saw when you there, and remembered. Use your visual perception, ask yourself "is that what that doorway, or the colour of wood should look like? I don't think so! Let's fix that!" remember what that place looks like in your eye, and try to render it as you have seen and remembered it as close as possible. ;)

That's a great perspective of the Shears Bridge man... Never thought of that!! Anyway if you did a pano would be better, the sides are abit "tight" to be framed. :)

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HDR is an art. Some people strive for realism, but some strive for artistic, over-the-top expression; and that isn't wrong too. It's not about how "accurate" the place IS supposed to be in everyone's eye, and no one comes up with a rule that all photos MUST be, and look like, of that particular place. It's not a must to shoot the subject the way the it appeared in reality but how that place felt to the photographer at the point of time, and how it should look like in his interpretation. And thus, that is wilz's interpretation of that place.

And when someone says it's "bad", I think it's better off not writing that kind of useless commentary (no offence) without saying how it should be corrected. It's like hit and run. That's not nice.

Anyway Wilz, if you strive for realism, you should practice more of it, find ways to fine tune it, rather than completely stop doing it. ;) Watch your tones, highlights and saturation and if possible, manually blend all the exposures in photoshop and not use any HDR software to even tone map it. It may take much longer time to finish processing it though, but take your time, blend them, and then pause, look and see if that is what you saw when you there, and remembered. Use your visual perception, ask yourself "is that what that doorway, or the colour of wood should look like? I don't think so! Let's fix that!" remember what that place looks like in your eye, and try to render it as you have seen and remembered it as close as possible. ;)

That's a great perspective of the Shears Bridge man... Never thought of that!! Anyway if you did a pano would be better, the sides are abit "tight" to be framed. :)

Im posting my works here in CS to improve & share my passion in photography... If my works is "BAD", fine...

Thanks Stefan for your time & kind words...:thumbsup:
Yes, will do all your suggestions & keep on my mind.
Btw, I agree a bit "tight" on framing bcoz im using 17-55mm only, planning to buy UWA lens soon...:bsmilie:

Angle 28

Angle 29 | Clark Quay @ Night


Keep up the good work and keep trying new methods to tame this wonderful beast called HDR. Love the composition for most of the coastal shots. Lots of familiar places which reminds me that I should be shooting soon. Cheers!

Keep up the good work and keep trying new methods to tame this wonderful beast called HDR. Love the composition for most of the coastal shots. Lots of familiar places which reminds me that I should be shooting soon. Cheers!

Yes will do & thanks for visiting my thread bro... Good day! ;)

Angle 30

Lorong Halus Wetland Bridge​

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Angle 31

Dismount & Push​

Angle 32

Tanjong Rhu Suspernsion Bridge​

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Angle 033


Angle 034

Lorong Halus Wetland Bridge | a different view​

Nice, I am also now taking HDR shots nothing as good as you though.