My feel of the FZ30

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Senior Member
Dec 14, 2004
NTU and Wdls
had a feel of the FZ30 today..
It's ermz.. surprisingly light now that I'm used to the 1.3kg of my 350D + F2.8 lens + Flash
Features wise:
1) Handgrip - It's bigger than the 350D. My (small) hands haf slight problem gripping the camera.
2) Feels very balanced, unlike FZ20 where most of the weight is in front.
3) has features of a SLR. Almost similar. Even got AE lock (for you to aim 1 area, lock the exposure for that area, then focus somewhere else, but use exposure for the other area)
4) shutter release button quite comfortably placed
5) the wheels are a bit "loose"/easier to turn. at least, on the 350D it's hard enough to hear the click click click click...
6) the LCD is quite bright and clear, the flip though odd positioning, is surprisingly comfortable to use. and quite a bit more logical than the side flips of the S1 or S2
7) the manual focus ring is MUCH easier to operate than the FZ20
8) in manual mode, it's like canon's ring USM lens - full time manual (you can autofocus if you want, but can manual if you want)
9) zoom ring is quite funky, geared towards SLR wise with 35mm, 420mm indications
10) i THINK the zoom ring is not fully manual, but digital => unlike slr, i couldn't get the zoom in effect if i zoom in after i press the shutter. Forgot my setting though. Maybe i didn't set it properly. got no SD card also.
11) it's almost the same size as my 350D!!!!!
12) it doesn't look silver.. ermz.. purplish? maybe it's just me..

Anyhow taken Photos..




ah yes.. more impression
1) the top dial looks faded. less colourful. like washed out colour.
2) the design looks very.... square to me.. dunno how to say.. go have a feel. looks like the F65 or something like that..
too bad no memory card, else would haf taken some photos for you guys to see the image quality..

don't worry..I am going down to test the camera tml and the babes..oppz....heez..

thanks for sharing the pics. it does look like quite a substantial amt of design change from the fz10/20.

think something wrong with your 350D's WB setting? colours look off, maybe it is the lighting in the exhibition hall that cast the purple tinge on the fz30 and that hand.

yup..saw it today too...looks like the exact same one judging from the location in the picture!
the rest of the features look just like the FZ20 except for the swivel LCD display.
and yes..the camera feels so light its probably a joy to use for long periods.
i held the D50, D70 and 350D and they are feel so heavy! ;)

haha possible problem with the WB.. i found i left it in flourescent after my last shoot.. should probably correct it..
hmmm but even there looking at the camera I had this feeling too... maybe my eyes also got problem.. haha
Heh I've used the FZ20 for a period of time b4. it's quite different, the feel..
oh yes, don't forget the lexmark babe in level 6. you wouldn't want to miss it. WOOTS!!!!
she got the [size=-2] biggest bust,[/size] nicest smile around!!

ah that hand.. to remind me.. if i didn't rem wrong, the screen can only turn one way. the way i'm showing you.

oh yesh.. it handles like the D70 with the 2 dials. but like i mentioned, my hand small, i got problems properly accessing both dials at a go. the thumbdial is plain hard to access coz i haf to change my grip drastically. cannot hold the camera properly and firmly while i look thru the view finder and change both aperture and shutter settings in full manual mode. too awkward for me.

it didnt suit my hand... maybe i small hand... the shutter button was too far out in front for me

Tried hold the cam today, don't suit me.
Maybe I use to the weight and size of Nikon D50/D70s liao.

donchua said:
Tried hold the cam today, don't suit me.
Maybe I use to the weight and size of Nikon D50/D70s liao.

personally i thought the weight is one advantage the fz30 has over the entry level dslr...
after holding it for an hour of 2, suddenly the weight begins to feel like a ton! so being so light helps alot...I was amazed by the weight...nice..

Question: When you use the zoom, does the lens extend physically?
or is lens fixed length, meaning internal zoom and focusing?

rhair78 said:
Question: When you use the zoom, does the lens extend physically?
or is lens fixed length, meaning internal zoom and focusing?

Internal zoom and focusing:thumbsup:

Tried it for myself at Comex ....... FZ30 has 2 command dials like the D70 ....really convenient to change settings. Focussing also vastly improved over the FZ20 and FZ10. Almost tempted to buy ....... lucky that I took precaution and left my credit card and bank card at home before leaving for Comex.;)

So did anybody here place a pre-order for the FZ 30?

Wah... I tried it today... I have to say I'm quite impressed. Anyway, internal zoom is quite cool IMO. I could see the lens moving in & out within the camera. 1 up for the cam.:thumbsup:

The command dials are very easily controlled. 2 up!:thumbsup:

And the most important thing, I took a shot using ISO400. Here is the result.


100% crop

Quite acceptable I think... :)

donkuok said:
not acceptable at all..too much noise

Bro... Cannot compare with DSLR lah... I was comapring with our beloved fz20. :)

If you don't usually zoom up to 100%(which I almost never), the noise level is acceptable. Esp when this image is not put through neatimage.

I tired today and personnally I feel the over all improvement is good (speed/setting/handling/LCD) noise lvl is still acceptable for me not really that worse as I though....anyway we can't expect everything to be perfect :) or else who will buy DSLR ;p

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