MO 2500 mHa AA Sanyo batt ( 4-batt with casing )

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1) canonws - 2pack
2) eow- 1 pack
3) metalgear - 2 packs
4) forto - 2 packs
5) merz-2 pack
6) maui- 2 packs
7) jovedaddy - 2 packs

total so far : 13

Thread temporary locked for review. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


We have deregistered kelvinng's account due to inconsiderate behaviour and insistence on running a concurrent MO even after repeated attempts to mediate between kelvinng and simon80.

And we have been notified that kelvinng has been abusing our PM system to spam members with his pricing/product, targetting specifically those members already on simon80's list of potential buyers.

Whilst we are not against members providing good pricing to others in Mass Orders and Mass Sales, this behaviour is unethical especially when we have already stipulated that kelvinng can conduct his own MO after simon80 has concluded his, and we will not allow it to go unchecked in ClubSNAP.

We hope that we have our member's understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thanks.

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