man in white


Senior Member
Sep 24, 2009
1. in what area is critique to be sought?
firstly, composition and secondly, anything that can be improve

2. what one hopes to achieve with the piece of work?
whether i was able to show the contrast between the restrictive human life and the freedom of nature

3. under what circumstance is the picture taken? (physical conditions/emotions)
early afternoon, handheld
D70 with 50mm manual lens

4. what the critique seeker personally thinks of the picture
one of my favorites, but definitely have a lot of rooms to improve

Thank you very much in advance for all the CnC..
do not hesitate to give straightforward comments, even harsh ones! ;p


i like the idea and feel of the picture. with the right side nature blurry as well as the man on the left. perhaps the poles in the middle should be more focussed? seems abit blurry to me. and did u apply any effects over this picture?

just a few comments from a newbie myself. :)

Strange title and I wouldnt have understood the photo without an explanation

the title does not fit the photo ;p

Agreed ... title does not fit to the picture. Man in white but what was catchy was the pole. Which is the subject? man or the pole? If its the pole, blur out the background does help but it does not really bring out the subject cos the pole is noting special about.

If subject is the white shirt man, why its blur? why the framing is at such?

You could have shift to higher ground and do a wide angle framing, single white shirt man walking towards the horizon .... hahah .. somthing like that ..

Neverless its something to ponder about and learn and try again. :)

i like the idea and feel of the picture. with the right side nature blurry as well as the man on the left. perhaps the poles in the middle should be more focussed? seems abit blurry to me. and did u apply any effects over this picture?

just a few comments from a newbie myself. :)

the blurry picture was because it was the first time i used manual lens and because the LCD and the VF of my d70 is tiny, i thought it was ok, but i was wrong..
i only apply sephia and a little vignetting during PP, as i do not know how to do the rest, i only use photoscape, so pp is also limited.. thanks for the CnC!

the title does not fit the photo ;p
actually, the title was something that i thought instantly when i upload the pic to CS, i wanted to give title such as barricade, but found that the man was the spot my eyes always rest on...

Strange title and I wouldnt have understood the photo without an explanation
hmm, thanks, now i know that i have not been able to convey my thoughts yet, will take note of that in the future! thanks a lot!

Agreed ... title does not fit to the picture. Man in white but what was catchy was the pole. Which is the subject? man or the pole? If its the pole, blur out the background does help but it does not really bring out the subject cos the pole is noting special about.

If subject is the white shirt man, why its blur? why the framing is at such?

You could have shift to higher ground and do a wide angle framing, single white shirt man walking towards the horizon .... hahah .. somthing like that ..

Neverless its something to ponder about and learn and try again. :)

actually, my main subject was the pole, as i wanted to capture the divider between reality of our hectic and sometimes restrictive life and freedom offered by nature, so the pole was in fact my subject, and by coincidence the man in white came into the frame and i decided to just include him, especially he was in office attire..

but, maybe i have not been able to convey what i want to tell about yet..
thanks so much for the pointer! will take note of that!

don't worry you can always go back n try again~!

I could not relate the restrictive feeling that you wanted to convey, the man seems to be free as well :)
The colour tones give a good feel though

I could not relate the restrictive feeling that you wanted to convey, the man seems to be free as well :)
The colour tones give a good feel though

it's ok, laike i said earlier, maybe i haven't been able to communicate my thoughts through pictures yet.. thank you for the comments and for dropping by! really appreciate it!

1. composition is good. i like it very much...

it is a good pic to me... well done