LX3 pictures

its threads like this that gives hope back to the sentence
its not the camera but the man behind it...

great photos!
thanks for liking the pictures

Hey come on, the LX3 is a great little camera. But when coupled with a great photographer, it becomes an excellent camera as proved here.
thanks a lot to you for liking the pictures,

Very well taken, you put it to the limit. Taken without any filter infront we can see the color n sharpness of the lens.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
thanks jameskkmok


yea, do share more, really amazing stuff.. makes me wanan travel somewhere with just my LX3..

Hi Anurag, pls post more photos sharing with us. we enjoy your photos!:thumbsup:

no particular settings.
sometimes manual, at other times when there's no time, on program.
i tend to shoot all images with contrast, saturation, nr and sharpness all down all the way (-2), which i later adjust.
Thanks for sharing your pics and tips.
When you say you adjust later, do you mean PP?
Is there any reason that you set -2 for all the settings?
Your B&W photos are taken with Standard or Dynamic B&W?

I'm very very impressed by the photos you've posted up here... two thumbs up!
Like many others who have commented, you certainly do put many DSLR owners to shame with the quality of your images.
I really like your shooting style. Very emotive composition and colours.
You certainly have a knack for being at the right place at the right time (with camera handy, of course!).

I'm glad you're a part of the CS community!

excellent work you have here ... u have shown me what a creative mind can do with a LX3

Thanks for sharing your pics and tips.
When you say you adjust later, do you mean PP?
Is there any reason that you set -2 for all the settings?
Your B&W photos are taken with Standard or Dynamic B&W?
this way i get the maximum dr plus highlights are not blown
later i adjust contrast and saturation
bw work is mostly dynamic bw.

I'm very very impressed by the photos you've posted up here... two thumbs up!
Like many others who have commented, you certainly do put many DSLR owners to shame with the quality of your images.
I really like your shooting style. Very emotive composition and colours.
You certainly have a knack for being at the right place at the right time (with camera handy, of course!).

I'm glad you're a part of the CS community!
thanks, i am glad too.
LX3 has enabled me to shoot much more than what i did earlier, mostly because of size and handling.

excellent work you have here ... u have shown me what a creative mind can do with a LX3
thanks a lot for liking them...
a compliment is what a creative person wants the most.

this way i get the maximum dr plus highlights are not blown
later i adjust contrast and saturation
bw work is mostly dynamic bw.

Thanks, I will try out these settings in future.
Thanks for sharing!

fantastic work anurag.

your LX3 images puts many a DSLR user to shame. Amazing quality and composition.

fantastic work anurag.

your LX3 images puts many a DSLR user to shame. Amazing quality and composition.
hey, thanks a lot...
(i envy your equippment)

Hi Anurag

What mode n setting you use?
hi blackwolf,
this was an action shot so tricky one and i got it by trying it out many times...

Exposure: 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture: f/2.0
Focal Length: 5.1 mm
ISO Speed: 400
Exposure Mode: Auto
White Balance: Auto
Focal Length In35mm Format: 24 mm
Contrast: Low
Saturation: Normal
Sharpness: Soft