Lucia - Lady in Red

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Hi Del_ctrno Alt, can u kindly elabrorate a little more on this please?


hmm... no need elaborate...

in short, just do manual focus.[/QUOTE]

I can hardly see if the subject is in focus, what is your technique? What f stop? Furthermore, do you shoot in CF or SF mode.

The pose makes her waist look plump.

A little touch-up in post processing will make her look more like a natural self.


(Photo for illustration. I will remove it shortly afterwards. Please let me know if you want me to take it down immediately.)


Thanks I think she look better after you PS her waist. :sweat:

I can hardly see if the subject is in focus, what is your technique? What f stop? Furthermore, do you shoot in CF or SF mode.

I dunno which camera you use... but if in doubt, dun use a shallow DOF, like if your lens is f1.8 or 1.4, dun use those, use f2.8 or even f4 or f5.6

anyway, like i say before... use manual focus. Train your eyes and fingers.

a simple exercise at home, place a bottle near the window, then try to focus at every distance. take 1 shot, and view at the computer and repeat. look for where is the centre of focus, how is the bokeh reacting, etc...

if your camera is those lower end DSLR... nobody can help you... cos even i have problem viewing thru those viewfinder... its too small... but i think alot have overcomed it... just that i have the luxury of bigger finder so if you think that what i have said makes no sense then nevermind... either upgrade your body or try to live with it.

I dunno which camera you use... but if in doubt, dun use a shallow DOF, like if your lens is f1.8 or 1.4, dun use those, use f2.8 or even f4 or f5.6

anyway, like i say before... use manual focus. Train your eyes and fingers.

a simple exercise at home, place a bottle near the window, then try to focus at every distance. take 1 shot, and view at the computer and repeat. look for where is the centre of focus, how is the bokeh reacting, etc...

if your camera is those lower end DSLR... nobody can help you... cos even i have problem viewing thru those viewfinder... its too small... but i think alot have overcomed it... just that i have the luxury of bigger finder so if you think that what i have said makes no sense then nevermind... either upgrade your body or try to live with it.

Thanks. All right I will try the next round.

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