Looking for TFCD Model for photoshoots to build up portrait portfolio


Mar 22, 2013
I’m looking for models who are interested TFCD photoshoots to build up portrait portfolio in different themes.

Suitable for those looking to expand portfolio or who wish to have photo taken for memory or other purpose.

- Able to provide own clothes and makeup
- No prior modelling experience required
- Available on during weekend

Do include the following details:
- Details about yourself i.e height, weight, vital stats etc.
- Recent pictures of yourself, full body and close up picture.
- Able to self prepare outfit, makeup and hairdo?
- Comfortable with team shooting?
- What are the dates/days you are available.
- Share any themes in your mind that you wish to try out.
- Other contact such as FB, WhatsApp, SMS or Phone number for further contact.

Prior to photoshoot a discussion will take place to work out a theme etc...

Post processed photos will be given to you.

If you are interested, please do email me at angelgaga1988@gmail.com to discuss more :)