Looking for photographers

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~Arcanic~ said:
well, i guess so too...
hmm... i can "almost" see who's she gonna pick after we give her our on9 portfolios le..
and mine most prob ain't it... :cry:

ain't mine too... :sweat:

But I still can hold the reflector .. :heart:

1. Del_CtrlnoAlt
2. Arcanic
3. vince123123
4. Splutter
5. Kennyleong
6. Litechaser
7. Drudkh
8. photografixed
9. littledigitalartist
10. invert_studio
11. drumma

well, you never know if u never try... :bsmilie:
i ain't a pro by any means though...

i'll pm u my weblink tonight.. me nvr upload pics in there one... guess i'll have to upload them in now.. :sweat: hopefully ur pm will not be full by then ba.

1. Del_CtrlnoAlt
2. Arcanic
3. vince123123
4. Splutter
5. Kennyleong
6. Litechaser
7. Drudkh
8. photografixed
9. littledigitalartist
10. invert_studio
11. drumma
12. hazekang

anyone mind if i q for fren :)

lil_princess said:
i guess my PM will be full by then.
and i wun b clearing it for the nite as i will out.
going to ps, see the astroboy.

oh? didn know got event there sia...
aikes.. nvr bring cam out... :bsmilie:

well, i'll pm u tomorrow then~ :D

its just an exhibition... me going there not to take pics.. but to go buy astroboy stuff.... :p

anyway pls dun pm me ur links to ur portfolio. just post it up here. cos my inbox is always so full.

1. Del_CtrlnoAlt
2. Arcanic
3. vince123123
4. Splutter
5. Kennyleong
6. Litechaser
7. Drudkh
8. photografixed
9. littledigitalartist
10. invert_studio
11. drumma
12. hazekang
13. Kitkat

:( i tink B.W is b4 me... posted at same time....

1. Del_CtrlnoAlt
2. Arcanic
3. vince123123
4. Splutter
5. Kennyleong
6. Litechaser
7. Drudkh
8. photografixed
9. littledigitalartist
10. invert_studio
11. drumma
12. B.W
13. hazekang
14. Kitkat

lil_princess said:
its just an exhibition... me going there not to take pics.. but to go buy astroboy stuff.... :p

anyway pls dun pm me ur links to ur portfolio. just post it up here. cos my inbox is always so full.

:D eh.. i was talking abt myself la... hehe, can go take astro exhibit pics... :devil: then again, nvr bring cam... :dunno:

Removing my nick out.

1. Del_CtrlnoAlt
2. Arcanic
3. vince123123
4. Splutter
5. Kennyleong
6. Litechaser
7. Drudkh
8. photografixed
9. littledigitalartist
10. invert_studio
11. drumma
12. B.W
13. hazekang

lil_princess said:
huh? U know what astroboy is not in the first place?

wah... kena look down upon sia... :bsmilie:

i know what astroboy is lo... :sticktong

lil_princess said:
hahahaha.... i dun prefer cutey theme. :nono: not my cup of tea.

what about a fierce one then?
:think: what anime girls fierce fierce one...

sakura from naruto considered? :bsmilie:

*runs far away

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