Looking for Automotive / Car Photographer


May 29, 2005
Hello all!

A local garage is organizing a track day up to Sepang International Circuit, and I would like to engage a photographer to take shots of our cars in action.

The cars that are heading up will be mainly Mitsubishi Evos, mixed with a few GTRs, WRXs, Type Rs, etc. A total of 30-40 cars will be going, but the photographer will only have to focus on 1-3 (the ones paying for the shoot). However, the photographer may also choose to shoot other cars for his/her own portfolio if he/she wants, as long as the main cars are prioritized.

Date: 25th April 2014 (Friday)
Time: Leave SG around 0630hrs, return around 1900hrs.
Budget: Around S$1,000 (Amount can be negotiated depending on portfolio. But the lower the better because I'm paying for this from my own pocket!)

- Have valid passport for travel
- Must have all suitable equipment (fast zoom lens, etc)
- Must be able to sit in a car for 5 hours without vomiting

If interested, please email mark@thepeoplestudio.sg with the following;
- Your final asking rate (I won't negotiate your price, but will choose based on lowest bidder with most decent portfolio.)
- Your portfolio (Automotive related)
- Number of edited shots you will give
- Price for additional edited shots

Thanks for reading! :p

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Nice. I would have loved to bid for this but I have a fishing trip on. Cheers!

Pm sent! Hope to hear from you soon. -willie

quite interesting, i'm also keen but dont really have a proper portfolio for this