liz x yun

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New Member
Oct 19, 2003
thanks to loupisk for allowing me to participate in his garage shoot. here're my takes.

keeping the hot ones to myself or later may get leeched away :bsmilie: kidding.
anyway, comments, opinions, crits welcomed.



First of all, congratulations to your award. I was surprised to read your feature but nonetheless, :thumbsup:

You are very talented.

Zeckson Chow said:
First of all, congratulations to your award. I was surprised to read your feature but nonetheless, :thumbsup:

You are very talented.
wahaha first reply someone OT liao, thanks thanks. n_n did you read on the papers or magazines. if the picture was ugly please delete from your memory, i'm suffering from lack of rest hahah :p

zemotion said:
wahaha first reply someone OT liao, thanks thanks. n_n did you read on the papers or magazines. if the picture was ugly please delete from your memory, i'm suffering from lack of rest hahah :p

Does matter lah. I am more to where you get your inspirations from. Kind of impressive for a person like you (better than me at the least). Keep up the good work. :)

Jingna... Very nice work there! Love it alot ;)

Ashleyy said:
Nice series... Yun yr favorite model now? ;p

Congrats on your award too:thumbsup:
no lah, no favorite model yet, i only worked with so little ppl now. =( but yun and liz were great to work with..

Wow very nice and different presentations...:thumbsup:

jas thanks thanks. :D

drumma: cannot lah.. i still learning.. you come i'll damn paiseh. T_T

Beautiful photos. Keep up the great work! :)

Congrats to your award. A truly talented individual on both the rifle and canon. Forget to mention infront of the camera too. :D

Hi ze, you are improving alots. I like the shots #3 and #4. I think all of you had a great time with loupisk creativeness. Different kinds of ideas. Thanks for sharing.

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