let guess the price of 42.5mm nocticorn and who want to get it?

are you interested?

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hmm.. its larger, heavier than the 75/1.8 with a substantial price.

Price wise its high with an aperture ring that only works on Pana bodies & its f1.2 vs f0.95 on the Voigtlander 42.5.

I'd get the Voigtlander 42.5/0.95 if i ever plan to upgrade from the 45/1.8. :)

Yup. The main issue putting me off from the Nokton is manual focusing. Not sure if I will ever get used to that.
I don't think I will be using f0.95 much. Not really into that glowing effect from the shallow dof.

Yup. The main issue putting me off from the Nokton is manual focusing. Not sure if I will ever get used to that.
I don't think I will be using f0.95 much. Not really into that glowing effect from the shallow dof.

How is the Focus Peaking on the GX7?

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Wah USD 1599....but build quality is solid and with power O.I.S.
Hmmm, can get oly trinity 17 f1.8, 45 f1.8, 75 f1.8 with that price.

That's really expensive! :eek:

Shall see how it performs against the Oly 45mm f1.8

USD1599 is really lower than I predicted, considering it will be SGD2199-SGD2299 locally, street price about SGD1900-SGD2000. I had previously predicted a price of SGD2500-3000.

My feeling is Panasonic thinks sales need to be boosted with high competition from other systems.

That's really expensive! :eek: Shall see how it performs against the Oly 45mm f1.8

You can get a reference of Nikon 85/1.8 vs nikon 85/1.2. Then ask urself if you would need F1.2 or afford it. What I think is this lens will be good and only those who are keen for the quality and can afford (key point) will buy.

Too expensive for 4/3... cannot tahan... already took me more than one year to decide my purchase on the 75mm F1.8 and this one almost double the cost... cannot tahan...

Too expensive for 4/3... cannot tahan... already took me more than one year to decide my purchase on the 75mm F1.8 and this one almost double the cost... cannot tahan...

If it takes too long then likelihood is there is no real need and /or disposable cash is not available.

USD1599 is really lower than I predicted, considering it will be SGD2199-SGD2299 locally, street price about SGD1900-SGD2000. I had previously predicted a price of SGD2500-3000.

My feeling is Panasonic thinks sales need to be boosted with high competition from other systems.

My thoughts is that if Fuji 56/1.2 is really priced at USD$999, it will certainly move some folks who wants a more affordable F1.2 mirrorless lens. Anyways, let's see more actual shots and local prices.

Maybe you're right. The lens which I used the most is 12-35mm f2.8 and next is my 25mm f1.4. I bought the 75mm as a "Zoom lens". Only used twice since I bought it last December. So maybe 42.5mm might not be attractive to me...

On the other hand, I am more interested in the 15mm

If it takes too long then likelihood is there is no real need and /or disposable cash is not available.

Even if it turns out to be the best m43 prime in the universe, 1599 USD is too high for my taste.

Even if it turns out to be the best m43 prime in the universe, 1599 USD is too high for my taste.

I'm so far still very happy with my 45/1.8 :)
This lens no matter how good it may be is simply priced too out of my reach and I've no such need for this quality with my amateurish hands anyway.

The only one I'm interesting is the15/1.7 , and this is assuming I can operate its aperture ring on an Oly body or else I'm sticking to my 17/1.8.

For currently available primes , the only lens that I may consider splurging is the 75/1.8.

Tomorrow gonna buy GX7 to replace E-M5 as preparation for these new Leica DGs, especially this Nocticron. :D

Don't wanna get a GX9 for them in a few weeks? ;)

The only GX9 that appears on Google is super camera called "Bajaj GX9". Its highlight features are it can even do grinding and mixing thing. :bsmilie:

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