let guess the price of 42.5mm nocticorn and who want to get it?

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The success and failure of this lens will largely depend on the pricing.
There's already the very capable 45mm f1.8 from Oly which is decently priced, with good IQ, fast AF and lightweight.
This nocticron must beat the oly hands down if it wants to charge a premium for it.

my guess is the price is around the same with 25mm f1.4, then I think the price is consider reasonable.

my guess is the price is around the same with 25mm f1.4, then I think the price is consider reasonable.

Not at f1.2. I suspect this will be at least usd 1k

If you see the trend, Panasonic and Okympus lens are priced in this manner (roughly):

1) Leica branded lens are priced close to 80% of the 35mm equivalent. E.g Nikon 50/1.4 at SGD1019

2) Non Leica primes are a mixed bag, about 80% of the prices of their 35mm brothers, due to low volume.

2) Zooms are priced much lesser, about 50-60% of those from Canon and Nikon.

A Canon 85/1.2 is priced at SGD4399, so my guess is this Leica 42.5mm/1.2 will be priced in the range of SGD2599-2999? Seriously, how many will buy this lens even if great? If low volume expected, high price is expected. SGD999? Wait long long.

you will be surprised to find out that there will be alot of people willing to pay for that leica tag.

from the aperture ring, the af/mf switch, we can slightly see the intent that pana wants to make this into something like olympus's "high end" lenses (12 f2, 17 f1.8)

Lucky never misspell as Noctiporn

to shoot at wide open 1.2, the DOF is going to be super duper thin man.. it's beyond my limited skills to use

That said, on full frame or 1.6 crop, the sigma f1.4 prime 85mm is lagi thinner dof. So i think it's ok? :p

Price wins still, let's see how

you will be surprised to find out that there will be alot of people willing to pay for that leica tag.

from the aperture ring, the af/mf switch, we can slightly see the intent that pana wants to make this into something like olympus's "high end" lenses (12 f2, 17 f1.8)

There will always be people able and willing to pay for that Leica name, these buyers are price inelastic. But the numbers will be much smaller when it is only m43 users. For the 80% of us price elastic buyers, unless the lens is generally useful like 12-35, 35-100, we will be less incline to pay for such a lens. Especially when we have the poorer cousin with good optics but at an excellent price point.

you will be surprised to find out that there will be alot of people willing to pay for that leica tag.

from the aperture ring, the af/mf switch, we can slightly see the intent that pana wants to make this into something like olympus's "high end" lenses (12 f2, 17 f1.8)

Only when Leica (using panasonic technology "D-LUX 6" & "V-LUX 40") intro their own m43 camera then that will get the crowd of that "alot of people"

Only when Leica (using panasonic technology "D-LUX 6" & "V-LUX 40") intro their own m43 camera then that will get the crowd of that "alot of people"

the idea is essentially the same.

people buy these stuff for the leica tag, and that is the specific target group they had in mind
pardon me, maybe i should not have used the word "alot"
when they release stuff like these, they already have a certain idea that it will not sell as well as lenses like the 20mm
but the fact that they went ahead with the release and the fact that there is already so many similar focal lengths available in the market, they must be sure that the leica tag can attract the targeted users. people dont only own lenses or items solely for usage, theres certain social status or personal satisfaction from obtaining a leica tagged lens.

i do not know and will not know any statistics, but this is one of the recent released lenses that got me interested in the system again.

whatever it is, i welcome any addition of good lens to the M4/3 system. Let this continue to be an exciting ecosystem...

i hope oly come up with faster zoom. their philosophy for M4/3 seems to be super portability and therefore keep lens tiny

$3,000 SGD
In a country where COE for small cars is S$73,989. Just look around you and notice the number of BMWs, Audis & Mercedes.
Of course there will be many buyers of this lens.

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I got a leica 45mm f2.8 macro that costs me around $1000+.

If priced at $1200 for this new lens, I would consider (if I don't already have the 45mm above).

you will be surprised to find out that there will be alot of people willing to pay for that leica tag.

from the aperture ring, the af/mf switch, we can slightly see the intent that pana wants to make this into something like olympus's "high end" lenses (12 f2, 17 f1.8)

Panasonic are only really targeting Canon buyers with their lens choices. I've got the Four-Thirds version of the 25mm f/1.4 and it's about double the price of the micro Four-Thirds version, but it's huge and heavy--and still not weather-resistant. The aperture ring works on my GH3, though, even through the adapter. :bsmilie:

I got a leica 45mm f2.8 macro that costs me around $1000+.

If priced at $1200 for this new lens, I would consider (if I don't already have the 45mm above).

The 42.5mm won't be able to go down to 1:1 reproduction.

So this lens only coming in 2014 ?

Got this pic on mu-43 forum... credits to original poster http://www.mu-43.com/showthread.php?t=50332&page=24&p=547214#post547214
(he got the pic from russian m43 forum)


now just waiting for information abt the price, and real image samples.... :)


i'll keep the money and buy the 12-40mm zoom instead... then i can release my 14/2.5 and my 12-50mm kit lenses, i will keep my 25/1.4 so end up with 12-40/25/60/telezoom (maybe can wait for the constant 2.8 zoom that should be coming)

i really doubt the 42.5 or 45mm can find much time on my cam and if i wanted i can always reach for my Oly 60mm as a protrait lens

so i guess who needs it depends also on whether it can be on your cam a for decent % of time else may not be worth the investment