Leica M9 + Non-Leica lens => "Cheap Out"??

to me, if you like the characteristic of the lens, u like the lens.

what's on the brand is a secondary issue.

you'll find a lot of people go crazy over the sonnar here and there's definitely no LEICA on it.

the naysayers are just those that want to stroke their gear with the red dot - SELF-SATISFACTION!

voigtlander delivers bang for buck and i have shot a lot of great pictures with the lowly 35/1,4 single coat. to dismiss something because it has no LEICA doesn't make sense.

do recall one of the most well known street photographers Garry Winogrand shot a lot of his pics not with a Leica but a Canon. what brand you use doesn't matter - it's your output and end result that does.

i have thought of that... but i am a trigger happy person (spoilt by DSLR)... so i think i will burn lotsa films... :cry: how much does a roll of film cost this days (sorry if i sound stupid here)?

It's a legitimate question, because I asked myself the same question when toying with the idea of a M9.

My maths was as follows.

A roll of film costs about $5, and if you add processing and scanning, it'll come up to about $13 in total. So, you can safely say that the M9 body alone (at about $11k) will cost you M6 body + one 50mm summicron lens (second hand) plus about 500 rolls of film (or 18000 shots). Assuming you shoot 3 rolls a week, that'll last you about 180 weeks or 3 years by which time, M10 will probably be out and you can get M9 for a lower price :)

But having said that, I guess what really stopped me from getting the M9 was the realization that there was no camera good enough to save me from myself so... :)

the frustrating part about owning leica is the endless wait to get hands on those coveted lenses lux or noctilux lenses.. to the point become a kill joy at least to me.

yes.. if you have M9.. match with what you feel like. nobody is going to care except yourself.. pictures taken are what matters. if you feel good with non leica lens go for it.. but if you are purist and has to have leica lenses.. fine too... but be prepared to be frustrated with the endless wait....

ah!..leica you love to hate it...!

my most used lens before it got stolen was the Voigtlander Nokton 35mm F1.4

Super bang for the buck! Its not a Leica but it delivers for someone like me. I'm not a "tan jia" person so yea, the slight barrel distortion doesnt really affects me.

I like it for its size, almost same size as pre-asph 35 Lux? Focuses to 0.7m instead of Leica's pre-asph of 1meter? Best part, $780, its a steal!

Depends on what kind output you looking for & how deep your pockets can go I guess?

A fellow photographer asked an interesting question to me a last week

"Imagine what would happen if Cartier Bresson used a Canon !"

A fellow photographer asked an interesting question to me a last week

"Imagine what would happen if Cartier Bresson used a Canon !"

then he wouldn't be topic of discussion in leica circle?