Leica M8 will be launched on Oct. 14 in Singapore

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Ansel, don't be hard on yourself. At least you use your real name! Look around you, some many here using funny nicks. Or are you not Ansel?

Hi, Linda,

Greg is right. My nick just reflects my aspiration. My real name is Daniel, which is on the posted photo.

"I have kind of concluded that M8 is best suited for street photography..."

From Ansel's picture? or?

Hi Linda, actually you have misquoted me:) My sentence was "I have kind of concluded that M8 is best suited for street photography(and photos of my dog hehe) for my purpose"

I used "for my purpose" because I have recently begun trying to ask myself what I like to shoot and at what range. Since I have a DSLR, I have lenses from 17-200mm at my disposal hehe.

I find that I like shooting images on the street at around 35-50mm, so I figured if I do get an M8 I would use it for street photography on my trips abroad. And photos of my dog:cool: If I need a longer range than 135mm I would bring out my Canon.

I have heard of the Epson RD-1, but never actually saw it. My first question was to ask if Epson is commited to making rangefinders or is this just a 'trial' product. But you are right the start up cost is much lower if I started with an Epson so I will try to find one, thanks!

Like what singscott posted earlier, it is my opinion that it is difficult to judge a camera's true imaging capability in the environment that was provided by the show. At most, one can only ascertain if one is comfortable with the handling ergonomics of the camera, which in this case, is very similar to prior M bodies. So for those "M" fanatics, you will be absolutely comfortable.

The noise issue, which I highlighted in the posted images, is not really a biggy because, I am very sure they will improve with better firmware, which I think should come with the actual production cameras when they are released.

So when one of you get your M8 in december, and willing to pass me the camera and your arsenal of lux lenses for a day, I promise you I will do a thorough review like "A day of shooting with the M8" and post some better images here for your viewing pleasure. :lovegrin:

I have heard of the Epson RD-1, but never actually saw it. My first question was to ask if Epson is commited to making rangefinders or is this just a 'trial' product. But you are right the start up cost is much lower if I started with an Epson so I will try to find one, thanks!

You could probably ask Leica the same thing about the M8. Haven't heard of any news of a pure digital R body at all.I think the fact that Epson partnered Cosina on the R-D1 is indicative of its longevity.

shooting with the M8" and post some better images here for your viewing pleasure. :lovegrin:

Careful Ansel, some call posting images on screen as any form of indicative meter, a joke.

"The miserable digital file that is shown here is a joke! To assess the quality of any image taken with any camera based on the miniscule file size of the internet images is a joke! "

I didn't say those Ansel. But I think it's good advice not to post anything from the M8 online...for now at least.

Btw Terence, those images on your website. What M lenses did you use? The colours are wonderful.

Btw Terence, those images on your website. What M lenses did you use? The colours are wonderful.

Which ones? The color images? Most of the color images were shot with the Canon 1D mk II with a variety of lenses (mostly primes). Some other color work were made with the Xpan II and Ricoh GR21.

It might shock you to know that I don't really use Leica M lenses as I think they are kinda overpriced for what they are. For RF work, I tend to turn to my arsenal of Voigtlander glass and my sole Zeiss 35 ZM. I have 2 lonely Leicas, the 50 and 90 crons but those are rarely ever used as I tend to shoot on the wider end of things.

"The miserable digital file that is shown here is a joke! To assess the quality of any image taken with any camera based on the miniscule file size of the internet images is a joke! "

Not sure who said that, but I vehemently disagree.

We *can* use the internet to judge the quality of *digital* image files, provided we can view them in 100%. Because the size of a 10MP file is big, it will suffice if get to see a small 100% *crop* of it. The small crop, usually of the critical portion of the image will give us a good idea of how the camera performs in specific areas of imaging, like noise handling, moire suppression, etc. When a lens is also involved in the test, then we can also look at things like chromatic aberration (CA), sharpness, distortion, vignetting, etc.

So there is value in posting images on the internet for digital camera evaluations.

The b/w images in this entry of my blog were captured on the R-D1. Battery life is so-so but they are pretty small and easy to carry.
you've got a good eye, I'm impressed. Does the RD-1 really offer tri-x like quality on the RD-1?

Price of M8: $7880
Watching fireworks about the M8: Priceless!

Some people are too free...

Plain and simple. There's no need to dispute my claim on usefulness of using a RF coz there isn't any from me, I support the use of RF for my type of photography. But that's not my point. Advantage/usefulness of using a RF (M8) to get better digital shot compared to using a DSLR is not in dispute here (still not largely tested though till M8 is consumerly available), you guys tested it somemore in a controlled environment. That's it, would you buy an M8 based on that? For everything else about using a RF, I'm for them, haven't I for so many years?

What have you been doing lately RD? You sold your m3? :)

stupidly, yes. Only cos it paid for another lens :D

btw the first true review of the image quality of the M8 is out at http://www.reidreviews.com

Greg, if u like ur EOS 350D (since when did u buy one of those?! didn't think for a moment u will touch anything digital :)), i think u'll like the M8 for combining RF advantages with digital.

and i think we should meet up for coffee sometime. i saw jeffery the other day at tcw!

RD I know what they are doing. Well I am giving my "inputs" on their view as well. ;) But I like your way. Let share constructive experiences we have with the camera. Very lest we do not need to pretend to know some thing so well just from reading some people articles. At lest those people who wrote the articles actually handles the M8.

M8 is what I expect from Lecia these are from my own experience. Well build, great optic and the handling alone is the reason to buy this camera, rangefinder style. Quiet small enough to blend with the subjects in their enviroment. Picture quality is very subjective, but never the less good judging from the print out I got. Then again there are room for improvement heck there alway room for imporvement when come to these things.

What I seen here been presented about the M8's image quality is just plain funny. The two people here are not using their common sense. They didn't have the chance to handle M8. They can say for sure that it is not impressive by after viewing what low res images on the computer screen. Then they switch and compare M8 to let say canon 5D, oh sorry they read this. The M8 and DSLR are different machines. To compare different type cameras just base on the image quality alone is as well misinform to buy a film M6 or M7 just because they produce high image quality. Then the M8 will one day compare to let say a Hasselblad H3D with a 39mp digital back.:dunno: The only real camera to compare M8 is the epson RD1s apple to apple. Rangefinder to rangefinder. We are talking about rangefinder shooting, the camera that allow us to blend into the enviroment that does not disturb subject and not appear right in face like a DSLR.

So I say in my own view. It sux to be poor. M8 is still very much desired camera to many from what I heard. But not from people starting out. I am a professional photographer, I do not think I will buy a M8 for my jobs. But I am an artist as well or I like to think so. So M8 is very much in my desire list. I think I love the M8 for fine art stuff, street stuff, Henri Cartier wanne to be stuff and a camera just to be there without letting it present spoilt the picture.

Careful Ansel, some call posting images on screen as any form of indicative meter, a joke.

May be because he just showing casing nice image, then some people feel the need to judge it. There people like me who only enjoy images been showen and not much of a judger like you;) .

pre-focussing can be done on any camera, slr included.

Thing about the RF that makes pre-focussing easier is u need not look at the markings on the focusing ring - that tab on the focusing ring is a gauge, at 6ft tab points directly downwards.

Maybe they should fix one of these tabs on the SLR lenses.

Greg, if u like ur EOS 350D (since when did u buy one of those?! didn't think for a moment u will touch anything digital :)), i think u'll like the M8 for combining RF advantages with digital.

and i think we should meet up for coffee sometime. i saw jeffery the other day at tcw!
yes, I bought the 350d because I prefer shoot with a fast 50mm lens which my p&s digicam couldn't provide. So far I'm pleased with its color output. I'm sure M8 output will be at least be as good as this, if not better. But I don't need a digital RF to do color digital photography todate, if I do, I'd probably consider the rd-1 first for reasons I stated many times before.

Jeffrey smsed me he started a thread at this site. I guess I wouldn't have to repeat what I said here there. It's 'time consuming' and it's more fun here :)

Canturn, actually it's that particular lens that has a tab and hence make prefocussing easier. Not that RF on its own makes focussing easier. You can put a tab on any slr lens, we already said that.

Didn't know Scottie is a professional. Now I really have to read his posts!:bsmilie:

One really don't need common sense in this thread. It's a Leica thread for goodness sake. Who can type longer and uses the most exclamation marks, wins.

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