Leica M8 will be launched on Oct. 14 in Singapore

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go read this thread and see Andy Piper's comment (someone who has actually used the damn thing extensively). He didn't go to the launch either.
haha, I extracted this from your link.. "Andy (www.akochanowski.net) , oct 22, 2006; 07:40 p.m.
It will be no better and no worse than any current 10MP APC DSLR and probably on par with the 5D. That bar is very, very high these days. My guess is Leica is betting that its target audience, largely middle-aged, conservative amateurs, won't know, or care, that a $1600 Canon or Nikon prosumer DSLR will output the same quality image as the M8.", I really hope this is not true else for those who will buy one might risk wrongly labelled.

Talking of which, lets see who buys an M8 when it's launch. Stats don't lie.

... LindaChew is obviously not a new user, and if HE is who i think he is, then the old BEAR is just using another name to have some fun here. Obviously there isn't enough fun in the POLAR regions where he came from...
RD, this is uncalled for, even Linda is polar, what's wrong with her/his points? I don't think linda is polar, coz we all know polar, he's not that tamed, he's just crude and straightforwardly honest and right in putting across his views. Sometimes I hope Linda is Polar, there are some who deserve 'more' of what I'm prepared to offer them. :)

I came back after the weekends, and saw how much controversy my M8 pix have created. My apologies for posting such a lousy picture. My bad! :embrass:

Ansel, don't be hard on yourself. At least you use your real name! Look around you, some many here using funny nicks. Or are you not Ansel?

BTW, I didn't call your picture a joke. I just said it's not what I expect from the M8.

Thank you greg and Red Dawn.

I didn't know a rf is pre-focused within 5 feet. I will try to find more books on rf. Trouble with RF is that there are so few on the market compared to DSLR that I have difficulty testing one out for myself. So my only reference point is my DSLR. I have kind of concluded that M8 is best suited for street photography(and photos of my dog hehe) for my purpose. I'll probably wait for M8 to arrive, for the clouds of controversy to settle;) before borrowing/testing one and eventually buying. Seems like I have to set aside at least 10k(body+lens) just to own one....

I'll probably wait for M8 to arrive, for the clouds of controversy to settle;) before borrowing/testing one and eventually buying. Seems like I have to set aside at least 10k(body+lens) just to own one....

IMO, it's a better idea to go check out a used R-D1 as the startup cost is a whole lot lower than a M8 setup. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the Epson, it's a real joy to use.

Ansel, don't be hard on yourself. At least you use your real name! Look around you, some many here using funny nicks. Or are you not Ansel?
Ansel is not his real name, if I recall correctly, he told me it's inspired by some great b&w lengend? :) I guess it's not an issue for one not using one here. I'm using my real name, that's for sure.

Thank you greg and Red Dawn.

I didn't know a rf is pre-focused within 5 feet. I will try to find more books on rf. Trouble with RF is that there are so few on the market compared to DSLR that I have difficulty testing one out for myself. So my only reference point is my DSLR. I have kind of concluded that M8 is best suited for street photography(and photos of my dog hehe) for my purpose. I'll probably wait for M8 to arrive, for the clouds of controversy to settle;) before borrowing/testing one and eventually buying. Seems like I have to set aside at least 10k(body+lens) just to own one....
pre-focussing can be done on any camera, slr included. Just the some combinations of leica+lens makes it seamless to use. By this I mean you know what's been set correctly and free you to capture your subject. Leica claimed to simplify things, many claimed leica photography in its purist form, if you think harder, if you don't have to worry about focussing, metering, won't it free much of your effort to do what you really want to do? "To capture that decisive moments?".

All said has nothing to do with M8 or other RF, I think you need to consider 2 things, firstly if RF photography suit you, secondly if you are game to use RF, then consider, if you need a digital RF for your work? And if you do, do you need a M8? or just RD-1?

Many times over, the know it all guys here will tell the public a new member is so and so there and used to be so and so here and/or he's just trolling over here but used to be not trolling over there. And these know it all guys go by the name of colours and oddball nouns or verbs or adjectives.

Guess it's all they do, checking ips and making a big fuzz over identities which they claim to know but cannot prove. So they just make a hint, looking smart and all.

Terence: how's the RD1? You have a gallery to show? battery life?

You can actually pre-focuss with a slr too and shoot just as fast, just that the framing is not like an M's.

"I have kind of concluded that M8 is best suited for street photography..."

From Ansel's picture? or?

You can actually pre-focuss with a slr too and shoot just as fast, just that the framing is not like an M's.
agree, but on a leica+35mm 'cron combo, you don't even need to look how you do pre-focussing. Instead of 'look', you 'feel' by pushing the tab pointing to the ground and you know exactly how far you pre-focussed. You 'look' only at your subject and don't loose sight of it, da la....

ok .

u can also put a "tab" on a slr lens at 5 feet pointing down. Those stick on types. Matching at 5 feet.

ok .

u can also put a "tab" on a slr lens at 5 feet pointing down. Those stick on types. Matching at 5 feet.

*Leica Fanatic Mode ON* damn, that would look ugly!! I want to shoot in style, look great, feel good taking pictures too you know.

*Fanatic Mode OFF* I still want shoot in style, look great, feel good taking pictures!

Had a quick scan terence. Pretty good stuff. How's the b/w mode of the Rd1?

battery so-so as in 300 pics with chimping?

Greg, that's very Leica of you to say that.

Terence. Strong work you do...and admirable.

Had a quick scan terence. Pretty good stuff. How's the b/w mode of the Rd1?

battery so-so as in 300 pics with chimping?

Greg, that's very Leica of you to say that.

My R-D1 lives in b/w mode. I personally think it's got quite a film-like quality to it, in color mode too.

That's about the right estimate for the battery life. The original Epson batteries do work for a bit longer than the OEMs I have but they don't cost much (approx $20 each) so it isn't really an issue. Charges pretty quickly too. I usually have 3 batteries with me and that will usually last 2 days of intensive use.

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