Larger Format Photography

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Man those are really beautiful images! Cant wait till i get my setup HAHA, shall leave it to fate to decide what to get but kinda leaning towards a Speed Graphic, a shen hao, but im recently falling in love with a tachihara but its too expensive for the camera alone. But since im just sticking with one camera why not make the leap for a tachi.

Wow that's nice! Some people are still interested in LF! Too bad there are no development options here, that's what I wanted to ask initially when I looked up LF on these forums. I do have tanks etc but I find it hard even to do BW in SG because of the temp control issue, at higher temps the development times get short. Plus, scratching the film is always a risk.

I'd be interested in C-41 actually. I scanned a lot of negative film recently, in 135 format though, and I find the color really astonishing (V700 scanner). In LF I look less for the movements and more for the smooth tonalities. I have a Crown Graphic with Ektars 100/6.3 and 203/7.7 , and all the necessary gear... even lots of sheet film in the fridge still from 10 years ago LOL. But development is a problem, I destroyed too many sheets for my liking in DIY development. Too many scratches, bubbles, and the like.

In the past I shot some (not hugely many) 4x5 BW and color slides, and the scans are also really really nice too. Some of my LF stuff is here:

Wow that's nice! Some people are still interested in LF! Too bad there are no development options here, that's what I wanted to ask initially when I looked up LF on these forums. I do have tanks etc but I find it hard even to do BW in SG because of the temp control issue, at higher temps the development times get short. Plus, scratching the film is always a risk.

To solve the issue with temp control without a processor in developing, I develop B&W at 18 degree and Slides at 40 degree.

Hey! Cool shots! For DIY 4x5 development, I think wootsk has plenty of experience - you would really have to tap his brain on this - especially on doing temperature sensitive processes such as the C41 and E6. I have only done b/w stuffs using a chromega print drum and roller. Using print drums for b/w development, it's fairly easy to prepare the chemicals at 20 deg C, since the volume needed is small. I have never processed my b/w stuffs at higher temperatures.

I have been looking at how to do E6 processing myself, and here's what I have found:

1. If you want a slightly more luxurious experience - Seng Cheong still has a set of CPE2 that can help to do semi-automated processing. For lab processing, Ruby says some people are sending the 4x5 negs to KL. Others have said they mail them to Australia.

2. If you want a cheaper alternative to Jobo, you can set up a water bath using a tight tolerance thermostate and heater. Nova Darkroom sells one of these: the Novatronic Heater. The cost is very reasonable actually.

3. The third option, which I was exploring, was to custom build one. I figure that unlike b/w, C41 and E6 are very standardized processes, the key of which is repeatability and consistency. So automation is highly desirable. Then I figured that it might be possible to get a fairly good setup using the Arduino kit to control a set of thermostats, heater, pumps, solenoids and motor to do automatic processing. This is still something in my mind, and it is my pet project to work on whenever I can in the days ahead. The aim is to build a fully automatic processor that cost within a few hundred bucks.

In the mean time, I'm bringing in a fully automatic processor that uses 1-shot development. These processors do not do chemical replenishment, which is used in roller based or dip-and-dunk processors, for cost reasons obviously. The trouble with these large scale processors is that they use a fair amount of chemicals, and need a minimum daily runs to keep the process stable. Given enough volume, it's cheaper to process films this way. Obviously the diminishing film market has made these processors uneconomical to maintain in many parts of the world. Also, given how much cross processing is going on these days, I don't know how all that chemical reuse is going to affect the quality of development. 1-shot based automated processors were sold to small film labs in the past don't have these problems, and may better meet the present day market, despite having a higher per-run cost. They have the same tight temperature tolerances that conforms to the C41 and E6 requirement as their larger counterparts, and none of the associated issues in today's market. I'm planning to see if I can use it to serve the local film community, especially the 4x5 shooters. Let's see how things goes!

Wow that's nice! Some people are still interested in LF! Too bad there are no development options here, that's what I wanted to ask initially when I looked up LF on these forums. I do have tanks etc but I find it hard even to do BW in SG because of the temp control issue, at higher temps the development times get short. Plus, scratching the film is always a risk.

I am considering an outing on the 21 this month for some old estate shot (Those who went shooting with me knows my shooting timing is very early). As usual, LF shooters are more than welcome, interested 120 and 135 format shooters are also welcome. It most likely will be my last planned outing till end of this year.

Recommanded Locations (TBA):
Queenstown, From MRT to Margaret Drive area
Thiong Bahru near the market area (Heard before, need some research and site survey when free)
B&W colonial houses near Sembawang Park (Heard before, need some research and site survey when free)
Any others recommended (Please post it early as I will go down and check out the place when free.)

Timing: Early morning on 21 August 2011

Please PM me your name and contact if you are interested. (I just downloaded and clear my PM box for this)

Hey! Cool shots! For DIY 4x5 development, I think wootsk has plenty of experience - you would really have to tap his brain on this - especially on doing temperature sensitive processes such as the C41 and E6. I have only done b/w stuffs using a chromega print drum and roller. Using print drums for b/w development, it's fairly easy to prepare the chemicals at 20 deg C, since the volume needed is small. I have never processed my b/w stuffs at higher temperatures.

I am still a newbie.
The issue here is using 40ml for 2 sheets in a print drum and throw is still a bit of waste. So what I do is to still develop with 250ml (I have to mix 1L, so I break into 500ml frozen, 250ml standby, 250ml using now) till I see a little slight change in contrast and I start changing to 40ml per developing. Regarding water bath, more exposure allows heat transfer to be faster (physic), so a smaller volume can be loaded into a thinner container and water bath to allow faster temperature loss or gain.
Just a simple set up of how I did my 40ml water bath.

1. If you want a slightly more luxurious experience - Seng Cheong still has a set of CPE2 that can help to do semi-automated processing. For lab processing, Ruby says some people are sending the 4x5 negs to KL. Others have said they mail them to Australia.

If I am not wrong, I scouted for E6 solution in Malaysia before (even wrote mail to Kodak there) and most of Malaysia shooters who self process gotten their B&W chemical from ruby nowadays. Few years back, some shops there (cannot remember name) gotten 1 shot E6 chemical from China. But they are not getting it anymore. There are some who send to HK for developing, but with a bit of risk factor there.

2. If you want a cheaper alternative to Jobo, you can set up a water bath using a tight tolerance thermostate and heater. Nova Darkroom sells one of these: the Novatronic Heater. The cost is very reasonable actually.

I suggest when using a thermostate, dial the temperature higher for initial bath. I did a water bath with some normal looking 500ml medicine bottle in around 80 degree water. It tooks me around 40mins to get the solution to the desired temperature. Not to mention the amount of time needed to cool the solution down will be even more of a pain. That is why for B&W, I uses the 40ml mixture for use and throw;p Just ice water around 15 degree to mix to 40 - 80ml depending on which one the math is easier. You will need a syringe from Guardian or Watson for this developing.

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Hey If its morning i can make it!! But then i passed by that area the other day it has been fully boxed up already!

Sorry for double posting, but the area in queens town is fully boxed up, even the walk ways are now barricaded only left the theatre, lets go sambawang instead!

Thanks for the reply, will drop by after work to see how it is around, there are also blocks near the cinema area to check out. Garment is moving fast removing old estate. :(

Suure update here! I'll join you guys again! Been awhile since i went shooting at these kinda places

hi wootsk,

thanks for the invite. Will join the "BIG" boys for shoot.

sharing a shot from old queens town during the last outing :)

keep me posted.

I am considering an outing on the 21 this month for some old estate shot (Those who went shooting with me knows my shooting timing is very early). As usual, LF shooters are more than welcome, interested 120 and 135 format shooters are also welcome. It most likely will be my last planned outing till end of this year.

Recommanded Locations (TBA):
Queenstown, From MRT to Margaret Drive area
Thiong Bahru near the market area (Heard before, need some research and site survey when free)
B&W colonial houses near Sembawang Park (Heard before, need some research and site survey when free)
Any others recommended (Please post it early as I will go down and check out the place when free.)

Timing: Early morning on 21 August 2011

Please PM me your name and contact if you are interested. (I just downloaded and clear my PM box for this)

As with our conversation yesterday dinner time, hope this time I can make it.:)

As with our conversation yesterday dinner time, hope this time I can make it.:)

I mix some chemical and blow your hanger up before 21th;p

Thanks for the various infos and invitations. Much workload these past days but I hope to stay in touch over the forums and contribute. Definitely interested in a 4x5 processing option. I am actually into DIY and quite a regular at SLT for electronics abut I don't foresee any reasonable time until December to work on a project. Too bad. A standardized mechanized process machine would be best...

I am considering an outing on the 21 this month for some old estate shot (Those who went shooting with me knows my shooting timing is very early). As usual, LF shooters are more than welcome, interested 120 and 135 format shooters are also welcome. It most likely will be my last planned outing till end of this year.

Recommanded Locations (TBA):
Queenstown, From MRT to Margaret Drive area
Thiong Bahru near the market area (Heard before, need some research and site survey when free)
B&W colonial houses near Sembawang Park (Heard before, need some research and site survey when free)
Any others recommended (Please post it early as I will go down and check out the place when free.)

Timing: Early morning on 21 August 2011

Please PM me your name and contact if you are interested. (I just downloaded and clear my PM box for this)

Just went to check those B&W houses at Sembawang and quite disappointed to find that those houses has been refurbished and repainted till they look newer than the HDB I stay in. Looks like unless someone gives more suggestion, I will be looking into Queenstown and Thiong Bahru.

very hardworking student :thumbsup:
Tiong Bahru should be good for me :)


Just went to check those B&W houses at Sembawang and quite disappointed to find that those houses has been refurbished and repainted till they
look newer than the HDB I stay in. Looks like unless someone gives more suggestion, I will be looking into Queenstown and Thiong Bahru.

Haha Im fine with anything! Suure!! thiong Bahru is so alien to me! Never been there my whole life

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