[kengoh] Family of Orange Bellied Flowerpecker

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Lovely shots ken! :)

Nice colors :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Enjoy these shots , beautiful :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Wow! you got very nice series of flowerpecker:bigeyes:

Wow, lovely shots you've there Ken.

Spotting one is already hard enough, and you're blessed with the whole family of this flowerpecker. I'm jealous! ;p

NiCE Series!!

Beautiful series. Love the clear butter like background that bring out the subject clearly... Great lens :) and ofcourse skills... lol

Very beautiful series, love the color/sharpness and the best is the solid green green poster BG!

Thanks WX and Ben. :)

Thanks Jason, hope you encounter this bird someday. :)

Thanks. My buddy got a shot of it in Ubin, but I've been trying very hard to spot one, so far without luck.

Probably should finish my collection of all the sunbird in SG as the top priority. :)

I'm now left with the copper throated sunbird and plain sunbird to furnish the collection of sunbird of SG. ;p

Very nice series! thumbs up :)

Very nice series Ken. #6 can see you in the reflection, heehee

Beautiful Series ken;):thumbsup::thumbsup:

Great captures Ken. All sharp with clean background, and the colours are beautiful. :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Beautiful color and sharpness!