[kengoh] Family of Orange Bellied Flowerpecker

Thanks for sharing. Beautiful shots.

Great series.

Yes once in a long while one can bump into a family but to have them post left, right, center in a single session. OMG. Rare opportunity well taken.

Thanks. My buddy got a shot of it in Ubin, but I've been trying very hard to spot one, so far without luck.

Probably should finish my collection of all the sunbird in SG as the top priority. :)

I'm now left with the copper throated sunbird and plain sunbird to furnish the collection of sunbird of SG. ;p

Jason wish you complete your sunbird collection soon. ;)

Great series.

Yes once in a long while one can bump into a family but to have them post left, right, center in a single session. OMG. Rare opportunity well taken.

Thanks bro, I was really lucky to have such encounter and thses little birds pose for me to shoot. ;p

A very nice series from you KENGOH, alway delivered professional shots with great details and best posture.
GREAT shots.....Like all :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::bigeyes::heart:

Beautiful shots! clean and sharp.

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