[Jerrick] Occasional Long Exposure Shots

I wanted to go around MBS area to take some sunset pics, but unfortunately it started raining as usual. I forgot to bring my umbrella (sighs....) so I had to wait until the rain stopped before I can walk to the location where I wanted to take my pics. By the time I walked there, sunset was already gone so I sauntered around the Bay Gardens area and this shot caught my glimpse. The sun had just set and the sky was kind of red. If you look closely, there's also two very blurred people at the bottom (quite distracting) but I decided to leave them there and not crop them out as it looked more natural. If you guys have any advice as to what I can do with these two people, please feel free to give me your input.

Modern Reflection

With Haida 3 stops ND filter​

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I wanted to go around MBS area to take some sunset pics, but unfortunately it started raining as usual. I forgot to bring my umbrella (sighs....) so I had to wait until the rain stopped before I can walk to the location where I wanted to take my pics. By the time I walked there, sunset was already gone so I sauntered around the Bay Gardens area and this shot caught my glimpse. The sun had just set and the sky was kind of red. If you look closely, there's also two very blurred people at the bottom (quite distracting) but I decided to leave them there and not crop them out as it looked more natural. If you guys have any advice as to what I can do with these two people, please feel free to give me your input.

Modern Reflection

With Haida 3 stops ND filter​

Took another B&W shot. Which one looks better?

The B&W Reflection

With Haida 3 stops ND filter as well​

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I prefer the colour one. Its very nice. Why use a ND filter?

I prefer the colour one. Its very nice. Why use a ND filter?

Hahah very good question. Actually I also don't know. But I compared the handheld non-ND and with ND version the red sky saturation looks better. And besides using a tripod with ND can also help me frame my shot better ;)

Hahah very good question. Actually I also don't know. But I compared the handheld non-ND and with ND version the red sky saturation looks better. And besides using a tripod with ND can also help me frame my shot better ;)

LOL sure. I may actually get some Haida filters to try out..

Nice shots Jerrick!

Hahah very good question. Actually I also don't know. But I compared the handheld non-ND and with ND version the red sky saturation looks better. And besides using a tripod with ND can also help me frame my shot better ;)

That's probably because of a color shift, which you can tweak with color balance in post-production.

Some people have indicated the impression that ND filters help with saturation - I haven't found this to be the case, though the introduced vignetting will reduce exposure around the corners, which may give that impression (underexposure = deeper colors, fact of life).

Anyways, just a thought on the last frame - I personally feel that it may be better to exclude any building altogether, if your intention is to focus on the abstract pattern in the structure. The introduction of the building (Ritz Carlton) as an element merely opens the door to an impression that you have made a mistake in keeping the photograph level. When I first started photography, someone told me that if I wanted to tilt something in the photograph, it was best to make it significant, so as to avoid inviting doubt that it was a mistake. It's something that I've found very true and is probably applicable here. Cheers!

Nice shots Jerrick!

Thanks Fable!

That's probably because of a color shift, which you can tweak with color balance in post-production.

Some people have indicated the impression that ND filters help with saturation - I haven't found this to be the case, though the introduced vignetting will reduce exposure around the corners, which may give that impression (underexposure = deeper colors, fact of life).

Anyways, just a thought on the last frame - I personally feel that it may be better to exclude any building altogether, if your intention is to focus on the abstract pattern in the structure. The introduction of the building (Ritz Carlton) as an element merely opens the door to an impression that you have made a mistake in keeping the photograph level. When I first started photography, someone told me that if I wanted to tilt something in the photograph, it was best to make it significant, so as to avoid inviting doubt that it was a mistake. It's something that I've found very true and is probably applicable here. Cheers!

I see I see. Hmm thanks for the advice, Edutilos, I will take note of that in the future :)

This is taken at Bay Gardens at night. Its a bit dark so very difficult to compose my shot. The lights from other buildings and structures are distracting and a bit noisy IMO but it's the best I could do. Thanks richiemccaw1 for the tip about the remote. This $12 stuff really worked like a gem!

The Circle Above the Rocks

Without ND filter this time. Too dark.
BULB mode (71 seconds)

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Last picture before I'll go to Korea-China tonight (back on 29th & I'll try to take some pics there). Taken along ECP, beside Marina Bay Sands. I'm not sure why the lines are a bit curved at the left side. Took a few times but there's still this shape at the left side for the other pics as well. I think there's a hump somewhere. Anyway, I wanted to combine a few pics together to merge the different light trails but after I went home, I realised that the pics were not aligned (always a bit out of shape). I think I must have touched my tripod a bit, causing the tripod to shake. Note to self to only touch the remote next time.

When Nothing Stops

BULB mode of 60 seconds
PP in LR to reduce exposure a bit​

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Enjoy your trip dude. Keep the pictures coming. :)

It's been a long time since I posted. I just came back from my holiday and quite sadly, as you can see from my thread here, my computer/SD Card crashed and most of my pics are gone, so I have sent it for recovery and still hoping for the best.

Anyway, I have changed to Pentax system :) because I am sick of tired of Canon's marketing and branding of the FF camera and lens lines.

First picture I shall post of 2014. Taken at MBS area yesterday. A clearly overtaken shot, but just trying to experiment with my new camera I have gotten from a friend. Actually I wanted to wait till 12 midnight to take the fireworks but it was really crowded by 8 o'clock and I gave my spot to a photographer who was looking for a space to compose his shot.

Happy New Year!

Shot with Pentax K-5 and Tamron 10-24
No ND/GND filters this time as I forgot to bring them

Although I may not recover all the photos I have taken from overseas, I will take this as a serious lesson for me and look forward to the next year. For me, 2014 will be a new year of photography experience. I will try to cope between studies (JC/A's) and my passion, as well as hoping to learn more of manual blending, panorama shots and cityscapes. Last but not least, I want to wish everyone a happy new year and strive to make your resolutions come true!

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This was taken at New Year's Eve. The clouds were moving at quite a fast speed so I decided to take a long exposure to see how the sky looks like. I'm really amazed as to how Singapore can transform its CBD/Marina area into such a wonderful scene today.

CBD @ Night

Pentax K-5 and 16-45 as I needed the zoom​

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nice shots! Don't mind if I ask, what are you studying currently? :)

This was taken from an overseas trip about 2 weeks ago. Shanghai was quite a place of sentimental value to me as I spent one of my most important 3 years (P3-P5) living there due to personal reasons. I remembered the days where I cycled with my brother from our house to the Bund, almost everyday, admiring the big ships and the other side of the river. We always thought it was the 'Yellow River', and only discovered it's true name (Huang Pu Jiang) after a while. After almost 5 years or so, I'm finally back (actually requested my parents to bring me there).

I did not bring any tripod along as we were carrying too many luggage and I had to help with the load, so I made use of a pillar a put my camera on it. Quite a rushed shot as I had to leave for the next location immediately and couldn't wait for the ship to bypass. Also don't know how to remove the irritating blue smudge at the middle :embrass:


14 secs
Corrected in LR to reduce some noise

PS: From now on, I will give a name for every picture (actually I did put the name on the Flickr pic but not on here)


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Wanted to extend shutter speed to capture the other colours of light as well but I waited for around 20 minutes and the lights did not re-appear. Had to make a move so maybe I'll come back one day.

Greens & Blues


First time shooting cityscapes so I'm not sure what it'll turn out like. Surprisingly, it came out rather nice to me. One of my resolutions is to shoot more cityscapes in 2014, so this will be a start for me. I took another set of photos as I wanted to manually do the "Exposure Blending" but gave up after a while as I have totally no idea how to use Photoshop (I only use Lightroom). I'll try to understand PS more and hopefully, can try the exposure blending next time.

The Setting Sun

2 image HDR (Photomatix)
3 stops ND filter

Edited: Fixed vignetting on top two sides.

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