[Jerrick] Occasional Long Exposure Shots


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2013
After approx 8 months after learning photography, I have finally decided to start my first official photography thread on CS. This is partly inspired by other CS-ers such as Edutilos, Shiosaki, Macaroni, Draken413o, Skystrike, Rh89, all of whom I have been following for months. Last but not least, all my respect to Stefan who is still a student (I think) yet he has so many great photos to share, and believe me when I say SG students like us do really have a lot of stuff to do, Personally, most of my weekends are either used for studying or homework. It was not until recently (school holidays) that I do have the time to travel to such places to enjoy the scenery. Although school is starting soon, I will do make the effort to try to shoot more when I am free, hence the title "Occasional".

I will start off with one of my shots at Labrador Park.

Sunset Boulevard

Taken with Canon 550D with 17-55mm lens (currently my only lens)
With Haida 3 stops ND filter and 0.6 soft GND filter to darken the sky
PP done to underexpose the sky a bit

Wanted to smoothen the water even more but do not have enough stops so planning to get a filter with higher stops. This was actually an overexposed picture as I was trying to extend the shutter speed as long as possible. I then underexpose the whole picture in LightRoom and it turned out like this.

More pics to come!​

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Nice shot!
keep it going.

Nice shot!
keep it going.

Thank you!

Another pic to end off 11/12/13

The Sun at the Horizon

Taken at Labrador Park too

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Keep it up Jerrick! #1 looks fantastic for a start.

I will start off with one of my shots at Labrador Park.

Taken with Canon 550D with 17-55mm lens (currently my only lens)
With Haida 3 stops ND filter and 0.6 soft GND filter to darken the sky
PP done to underexpose the sky a bit

Wanted to smoothen the water even more but do not have enough stops so planning to get a filter with higher stops. This was actually an overexposed picture as I was trying to extend the shutter speed as long as possible. I then underexpose the whole picture in LightRoom and it turned out like this.

More pics to come!

Nice sunset that you had capture here.:)

I had been using the Haida 10 stop ND, actually it is about close to 11 stops, I had to up +2/3 stop of the exposure, not too sure if you need to up the exposure for the 3 stops ND. The Haida ND filter give a warmer color cast so must adjust the curve - red down and up the blue. Hope that you could share your experience on Haida ND filter, still learning to pp the color cast from the filter.

Thanks richiemccaw1, macVince and SilverPine!

Nice sunset that you had capture here.:)

I had been using the Haida 10 stop ND, actually it is about close to 11 stops, I had to up +2/3 stop of the exposure, not too sure if you need to up the exposure for the 3 stops ND. The Haida ND filter give a warmer color cast so must adjust the curve - red down and up the blue. Hope that you could share your experience on Haida ND filter, still learning to pp the color cast from the filter.

Yep Haida is really a bang for the buck! Planning to get the 6 stops/10 stops one soon :)

Disappearing Down The Horizon

Sunset at Labrador Park again
Haida 3 stops ND filter and 2 stops GND filter for the top part
PP in LR to adjust horizon​

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This was taken quite some time ago. My first long exposure shot with my newly bought Haida filters. I remembered it was a long walk to Sungei Buloh from the bus stop (10 mins plus I think) but it was worth the walk as the scenery was picturesque and very calm, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. Afterwards I decided to took the Kranji Bus back home as I was tired and I didn't know it cost $3 :eek: Found out in the end that the ticket can be used as many time as possible in a day so here's a tip to fellow CS-ers to buy the ticket in the morning and probably travel around the Kranji Countryside for a whole day (since Kranji really do have a lot of sightseeing to see tbh).

Bridge To The Other Side

Shot at Sungei Buloh
Haida CPL with 3 stops ND filter and 2 stops GND (IIRC)​

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Back at Labrador. Got my B+W 10 stops round ND filter from a friend and wanted to try it out. Not as sharp as this was BULB mode and due to the cui-ness of my cheapskate tripod, I have difficulty keeping the camera still.

The Closed Jetty

With B+W 10 stops ND filter
PP in LR to B&W as there was a magenta cast (Haida ones are better)
Wanted to create the still water effect and guessed I did it in a way :)

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Personally this was a new journey for me. I rushed to Labrador Park ASAP after my part-time work and just when I reached the jetty, it suddenly started raining cats and dogs, and the beautiful sunset disappeared before me. I waited in the shelter for approximately 15-20 minutes and it was still drizzling so I did not want to wait any longer and decided to proceed. With one hand holding the umbrella, I made my way down to the rocks and set up my equipment. There were many times where the water splashed against the rocks and almost hit onto my camera but I was very very lucky. Of course my tripod was wet, so were my bags, shoes and legs. I also received a couple of cuts and bruises (one still hurts slightly now haha) and the image was not that good as expected, but oh well everyone do have their ups and downs. Anyway it was quite a scary yet insightful experience, so here is the pic (not that great IMHO). Once again this was done in bulb mode, and it was very very shaky as I was holding an umbrella in a hand and pressing the shutter button on another. I was squating down and kept releasing the shutter button a few times. The waves also cause the tripod to sink into the sand a few times, so I had to restart again and again.

A New Journey

With B+W 10 stops ND filter
PP in LR to remove magenta tint
Not much can be done to beautify this pic so I'll just let this be a learning experience for me​

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Looking good Jerrick. Considered buying a remote? I got a wired one from t k recently for $12. Works like a gem.

Looking good Jerrick. Considered buying a remote? I got a wired one from t k recently for $12. Works like a gem.

Hmm so cheap? How does a remote work? Can't seem to find the disadvantages/advantages of a remote. Is it the same as a intervalometer? Haha :confused:

Hmm so cheap? How does a remote work? Can't seem to find the disadvantages/advantages of a remote. Is it the same as a intervalometer? Haha :confused:

Got an android phone? Go download DSLR controller beta. You'll need an otg cable too.By the way, using the same camera and llens as you! High five!

Hmm so cheap? How does a remote work? Can't seem to find the disadvantages/advantages of a remote. Is it the same as a intervalometer? Haha :confused:

You would be able to use bulb mode without having to leave your finger on the shutter button throughout. Much better right?

Plus you can avoid shaking the camera inadvertently when your finger is on the shutter button.

Got an android phone? Go download DSLR controller beta. You'll need an otg cable too.By the way, using the same camera and llens as you! High five!

Hahah hi-five! Unfortunately I'm using atas IOS hehe. Maybe will have app too. I'll try finding.

You would be able to use bulb mode without having to leave your finger on the shutter button throughout. Much better right?

Plus you can avoid shaking the camera inadvertently when your finger is on the shutter button.

I see thanks! Is it the phottix cable remote from TK? I think I'll get it soon!

Jerrick- yeah it is. Was an afterthought when I went to buy a CF card but I'm really glad I got one.

You may want to look around for a wired remote with a longer cable. The Phottix one is 1m long.

Btw 1m is sufficient for me. Just to highlight you can look for something longer in case you need it. :)

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Jerrick, so do you prefer the B and W or Haida? Im looking to get either one and i'm learning to Haida as the price is lower and the results seem to be a little better. ;)

Btw 1m is sufficient for me. Just to highlight you can look for something longer in case you need it. :)

Hmmm may be enough for me. Will ask the salesmen there for more advice! Thanks!

Jerrick, so do you prefer the B and W or Haida? Im looking to get either one and i'm learning to Haida as the price is lower and the results seem to be a little better. ;)

No doubt the Haida one!!! Best bang for a buck. Little colour cast, so no need to change the tint in post-processing and image quality still more or less the same (not very much degraded by the filter)

I paid a bit for the Lee Filter Seven5 system, or at least the Big Stopper. Where did you get the Haida ones from?