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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2002
Dear all,
I've always toyed with the idea of taking indoor shots without flash, especially for stage performances. But consumer digicams produce lots and lots of noise at ISO800. I tried using Quantum Mechanics (a software), rev it up to full power, and applied to an ISO800 image. Below is the result:



C700UZ, ISO800, 1/25s, F3.5

What do you guys think of the result? I am pretty satisfied with just looks like a film image taken with ISO800 film, complete with the grains. For more info on quantum mechanics,

visit, click on "information", then "dealing with noise"
or visit

could u post the 'before' pic too???

looking at articles on noise reduction software, I'm wondering if what they have in common is that they are basically applying in PS terms, gaussian blurring to selective areas and then resharpening the image? Perhaps a test photo with lots of 'sharp objects' like signs with text etc will illustrate the effects...

The thing about digital noise is that it has a set frequency as a general rule, and hence is uniform. The best noise reduction programs out there analyse this undercurrent of noise and remove it, without taking out too much detail.

Others do indeed apply standard functions selectively, and usually in LAB space to maximise image detail retention.

Applying blur and so on will work, but will result in the obscuring of too much proper detail since it does not distinguish between image detail and image noise.

so which is a noise reduction algorithm....quantum mechanics or g-isoR for the G2?

Mine at ISO400 very grainy liao :(

Where can I find this Quantum Mechanics software?

BTW, maybe u can post the original image too Tw?


The "before" photo is added to the first thread. Blitz, Quantum Mechanics can be found at

Yeah, the one from Digital Secrets is pretty good, and it's free somemore...but I prefer Quantum Mechanics. :)

eh... why in the 'before' pic, 1 of the table in the last row is black but in the 'after' pic it's white? :what:

Originally posted by Goose
eh... why in the 'before' pic, 1 of the table in the last row is black but in the 'after' pic it's white? :what:

wow! u got a golden eye sia! like that u also can see! :eek:

Originally posted by mEc

wow! u got a golden eye sia! like that u also can see! :eek:

no lah....i was comparing the 2 pics closely to see how much noise was reduced mah. That's when i noticed the table colour diff. ;p

Originally posted by Goose
eh... why in the 'before' pic, 1 of the table in the last row is black but in the 'after' pic it's white? :what:

oops...the black is because I filled the border with black colour, and the colour "spilled" onto the white of the table....haha, my mistake. ;)

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