I've been pondering and asking around to see if getting a light meter would be good, though the responses I've gotten seem pretty varied.
1. Some people say its useful for film cameras as with dslrs, we just need a test shot, look at the histogram and adjust.
2. Some people say yep, its a indispensable piece of equipment as most dslrs cant get the precision of a light meter.
3. Others say that true its useful but it breeds bad habits. One should not have the habit bringing out a meter for everyshot you take and you should learn to judge yourself what settings the shot calls for.
4. If have money will buy loh...
5. Some say mainly for indoors fashion or product shoots, then it would be useful.
Just wondering what everyone thinks?
I've been pondering and asking around to see if getting a light meter would be good, though the responses I've gotten seem pretty varied.
1. Some people say its useful for film cameras as with dslrs, we just need a test shot, look at the histogram and adjust.
2. Some people say yep, its a indispensable piece of equipment as most dslrs cant get the precision of a light meter.
3. Others say that true its useful but it breeds bad habits. One should not have the habit bringing out a meter for everyshot you take and you should learn to judge yourself what settings the shot calls for.
4. If have money will buy loh...
5. Some say mainly for indoors fashion or product shoots, then it would be useful.
Just wondering what everyone thinks?