Is it still worth getting D90

Thanks for the overwhelming reply!

The things I'm worrying is that, by the time I'm ready to buy a DSLR (end of year), D90 might have been phased out by something else. Who knows, at that time, I might be able to get a D300 if the price dropped at that time.

The uncertainty ahead worries me, at the same time, tempts me to move into DSLR. Feel limited by compact camera, especially after the recent change :(

The worth of a camera is weight by how often you used it.

Same applied to a lens. :)

Thanks for the overwhelming reply!

The things I'm worrying is that, by the time I'm ready to buy a DSLR (end of year), D90 might have been phased out by something else. Who knows, at that time, I might be able to get a D300 if the price dropped at that time.

The uncertainty ahead worries me, at the same time, tempts me to move into DSLR. Feel limited by compact camera, especially after the recent change :(
By the way you think, I don't think you are ready to buy any camera.
When the time comes for the D300 to drop in its price, you'll say it might have been phased out by something else & it goes on & on & on & on........................:think:

buy now, think later =)))))

if you want it, buy it.

if you are having doubts of the current product, for sure you will have doubts about the new products also... your dilema would be which model is better, not all new models are better to the ones they replaced. imo.

don't think about the money you gonna spend because that's what you want anyway. =) hehehe

Even if they have been phased out by other products, the D90 or D300 can still produce great photos, so I don't see any problem. Heck, even D5000 can produce great photos, so I don't see any issue with you buying a DSLR now over buying one later. If you're still worrying about cameras being phased out, just look at what Canon is doing. Just a year after the 500D is released, they released the 550D. Like that dunnid buy camera alr lol

The purchase should be based on need/want and budget. I you need/want a camera and have the budget, then get it. Doesn't matter whether it's gonna be phased out soon or not. If it is, then it's price would have dropped and reflect that. As long as the camera would be able to do what you want to do it's okay. We don't always need the latest tool to do what we want.

Not sure about TS but I have got myself the D90! Still reading up the manual and getting myself familiar with this first dslr I own. Lots of functions and modes and buttons to play with.

Bought it at a shop that qouted me close to 100 bucks lower than others with kit lens. Subsequantly, when the excitement subsided, I realise that I could have gotten a grey set. Reason being, shop said no need to register online and on the warranty card, it stated "D90 HK SET".

Based on the above, can anyone confirm that I have indeed gotten a grey set. If so, what recourse do I have should that shop folds before my 12 months warranty is up?

Not complaining but they should have been more upfront with me.

Not sure about TS but I have got myself the D90! Still reading up the manual and getting myself familiar with this first dslr I own. Lots of functions and modes and buttons to play with.

Bought it at a shop that qouted me close to 100 bucks lower than others with kit lens. Subsequantly, when the excitement subsided, I realise that I could have gotten a grey set. Reason being, shop said no need to register online and on the warranty card, it stated "D90 HK SET".

Based on the above, can anyone confirm that I have indeed gotten a grey set. If so, what recourse do I have should that shop folds before my 12 months warranty is up?

Not complaining but they should have been more upfront with me.

My D90 also HK set, bought last year.
If your warranty card distributor is NIKON SINGAPORE PTE LTD, then nothing to worry lor.

My D90 also HK set, bought last year.
If your warranty card distributor is NIKON SINGAPORE PTE LTD, then nothing to worry lor.

Thanks. Feel more at ease now. Will be shopping for a camera bag next.

....Subsequantly, when the excitement subsided, I realise that I could have gotten a grey set. Reason being, shop said no need to register online and on the warranty card, it stated "D90 HK SET"...

All local D90 sets come with warranty cards that say D90 HK SET. If fact my other nikon body also says that, with the "HK SET" words.

I would encourage you to register your warranty online at If it is really a local set, you will get extra 3 months of warranty just by registering online.

All local D90 sets come with warranty cards that say D90 HK SET. If fact my other nikon body also says that, with the "HK SET" words.

I would encourage you to register your warranty online at If it is really a local set, you will get extra 3 months of warranty just by registering online.

Thanks for the advice. Registered!

I would have made the same response whether I was a moderator or not.

I don't think there's anything in my response is rude, aside from telling you that I thought that your reasoning is incorrect.

i beg to differ....