Is it still worth getting D90

It doesnt matter when u buy D90. Now or 9 mths later, D90 will always be a good camera...

It doesnt matter when u buy D90. Now or 9 mths later, D90 will always be a good camera...

:thumbsup: that is one of the reason why its retail price is still the same when it first launched in 2008.. it had been/have been and will be a good camera for those targetted at semi-pro / enthu users :)

9 mths later then you start looking. =D
why not now? though in aug the cam will be 2 yrs old.

time passes as technology advances... just dun miss the chance of enjoying photography . =)

The images taken on the D70 above were mostly have to factor in the time, cost of software/hardware, skill etc.....think its a cliche to say that equipment does not matter.....if the TS is adverse to depreciation on his gears ..then he should perhaps consider getting a 2nd hand its not too painful to upgrade again in a year or 2 down the line....if and when the new model is in the market.

The images taken on the D70 above were mostly have to factor in the time, cost of software/hardware, skill etc.....think its a cliche to say that equipment does not matter.....

And your point is? Any of those images would have essentially needed the same processing whether they were shot with a D70, a D90, a D3x, or a Canon 1Ds Mk 6.4megawotsitinromannumerals.

Night86mare has made his point that a D70 is capable of taking very good pictures. It is. If you'd said, you can make the same sized enlargements (or more correctly, you can't make the same sized enlargements at the same quality), then I'd have agreed with you. If you said, image XYZ couldn't have been taking with a D70 because the focusing system isn't up to scratch, or you needed a function such as multiple exposure that the D70 doesn't have, then that's a perfectly valid point.

But I really fail to see how post-processing makes a valid argument for dismissing the good pictures taken by a D70... unless for example they were multiple images composited to resemble an in camera multiple exposure.

Nobody's saying that equipment doesn't matter (or at least I'm sure night86mare isn't), but merely that the D70 is a very capable camera. I would argue that a D70 fulfills the needs of half the users on this forum. Would a D90 be better? Probably. But that doesn't make a D70 any less good than a D70 is.

Stick with it lar.. unless u wan to go FX, then its a whole diff story together :devil:

haaa once again.... fighting a losing battle...... the ergonomics and familiar interface of Nikon pull me back to the dark side.... :sweat:.... was nearly psycho to get the 50D but well.... I am back with a D90...... :lovegrin:


Can I check if D90 now still offers Kit I and II?

Checked the Nikon website and only the RRP for the 18-105mm is mentioned. This should be Kit II I presume? Is the 18-55mm still available for sale?

For a beginner, should I invest in a flash now? If so, which model would be a good choice.



Can I check if D90 now still offers Kit I and II?

Checked the Nikon website and only the RRP for the 18-105mm is mentioned. This should be Kit II I presume? Is the 18-55mm still available for sale?

For a beginner, should I invest in a flash now? If so, which model would be a good choice.


Kit I is 18-105mm
Kit II is 18-200mm

18-55mm lens are available for sale.

I think you can buy the body & lens first, later then decide if flash is needed for your photography style. Then you're more able to determine which flash model is needed.

I'm not a DSLR owner yet, still pending to own one. ;p

And your point is? Any of those images would have essentially needed the same processing whether they were shot with a D70, a D90, a D3x, or a Canon 1Ds Mk 6.4megawotsitinromannumerals.

Night86mare has made his point that a D70 is capable of taking very good pictures. It is. If you'd said, you can make the same sized enlargements (or more correctly, you can't make the same sized enlargements at the same quality), then I'd have agreed with you. If you said, image XYZ couldn't have been taking with a D70 because the focusing system isn't up to scratch, or you needed a function such as multiple exposure that the D70 doesn't have, then that's a perfectly valid point.

But I really fail to see how post-processing makes a valid argument for dismissing the good pictures taken by a D70... unless for example they were multiple images composited to resemble an in camera multiple exposure.

Nobody's saying that equipment doesn't matter (or at least I'm sure night86mare isn't), but merely that the D70 is a very capable camera. I would argue that a D70 fulfills the needs of half the users on this forum. Would a D90 be better? Probably. But that doesn't make a D70 any less good than a D70 is.

So equipment does matters after all? ...or does it.....but D70 is as good as a profound.....ah yes D70 takes good processing does not can rely on good old D70........why am I so stupid, should have kept my D70.......thanks for the enlightenment Mr Moderator.... I will sell my D700 and buy back the D70...that way I have one less zero on my cam and more zeroes in my Bank.

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Kit I is 18-105mm
Kit II is 18-200mm

18-55mm lens are available for sale.

I think you can buy the body & lens first, later then decide if flash is needed for your photography style. Then you're more able to determine which flash model is needed.

I'm not a DSLR owner yet, still pending to own one. ;p

Thanks for clearing the air. Anyway, got a qoute from MS and the price of Kit 1 has kind of wipe off my budget.

Will decide between this and the Canon 550D

Thanks for clearing the air. Anyway, got a qoute from MS and the price of Kit 1 has kind of wipe off my budget.

Will decide between this and the Canon 550D

try get quotes from these two stores SLR Revolution and John 3:16 from Funan Centre level 5.

Thanks for clearing the air. Anyway, got a qoute from MS and the price of Kit 1 has kind of wipe off my budget.

Will decide between this and the Canon 550D

Just try and feel it based on your own decision. Don't follow the others.

Hope you could find your own personal choice.

Good luck Bro !

I don't get your point MR Moderator......and your response sounds like nightmare to me, you need not agree with me, but the way you respond is downright rude...don't try to be condescending with your mightier than thou what if you are a moderator.

I would have made the same response whether I was a moderator or not.

I don't think there's anything in my response is rude, aside from telling you that I thought that your reasoning is incorrect.

if i can choose system again, I might have gone for a sony for the CZ lenses.

Then again, D90 is my "little cutie" as it is relatively compact and my favourite item for a walkabout now. Commercially I use it as a secondary camera for its light weight and versatility

Somebody finally said the real truth....I think most people have gone nuts thinking that they need to buy the latest and greatest digital cam to get good pics! If you really want to wow someone go out and shoot some 6x9 or 4x5 chrome (film) then let some nut try to compare his digital anything with the film! The Nik d40 at 6 megapixels is great for most instances! I still shoot "old" D200's and I am perfectly happy with the results.....If you are itching to burn a hole in your pocket go out and buy some really good prime glass! It will last your lifetime and may even go up in value. If you need movies than thats a whole nuther story!


I would have made the same response whether I was a moderator or not.

I don't think there's anything in my response is rude, aside from telling you that I thought that your reasoning is incorrect.

LOL. I don't miss my days of being moderator from another forum. That way, I can bash anyone I like and no one can blame me for being sarcastic/blunt/unemotional/(fill in your fav emo response) to get the point across.

LOL. I don't miss my days of being moderator from another forum. That way, I can bash anyone I like and no one can blame me for being sarcastic/blunt/unemotional/(fill in your fav emo response) to get the point across.

I read the comment by Jed several times and not find them offensive, den again people interpret message very differently.

I have to add...

End of the day, D90 is still worth getting... heehee

\o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/

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Thanks for clearing the air. Anyway, got a qoute from MS and the price of Kit 1 has kind of wipe off my budget.

Will decide between this and the Canon 550D

Just a word of advise, if the Kit I is already wiped off your budget, then you may not be ready for it yet :dunno:. Best you have 80% for the camera and then standby 20% for other accessories that you may need to go with your camera.

Maybe you may want to relook into your budget? :p

Just a word of advise, if the Kit I is already wiped off your budget, then you may not be ready for it yet :dunno:. Best you have 80% for the camera and then standby 20% for other accessories that you may need to go with your camera.

Maybe you may want to relook into your budget? :p

Thanks for the advice.

I have actually set aside a separate budget for a dry cabinet too.

As for the D90, I am contemplating buying the body plus 18-55 instead and hopefull can squeeze in a simple flash, SB400.

Will this be a good idea?

Thanks for the advice.

I have actually set aside a separate budget for a dry cabinet too.

As for the D90, I am contemplating buying the body plus 18-55 instead and hopefull can squeeze in a simple flash, SB400.

Will this be a good idea?

get at least a sb600 instead.