Imation Disc Stakka

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if this can read discs without having to take out, like a juke box, it'll be on my buy list.

nope it can't. all it does is to catalog your discs. if you want to read the disc, you have to take it out of the Stakka and insert it into your regular CD/DVD-Rom drive in your computer.

yunghans said:
According to the website, I think it can.

I have one of this.
No, it does not have a ROM drive. It is just a dics storage device, with a search engine(software). Good for keeping all those home-made disc, cos the software keeps a image of files of every disc in the stekka, allowing u to view the files' name(Not picture image) before u eject them. Thus making searching of a particule file very easy & fast.

Disappointing nevertheless. I'd expected it to come with a ROM drive. :(

yeap so did I, I was almost abt to buy when I realised it doesnt contain a rom drive.

its so strange, all they needed to do was add in one and the product will be so much superior and saleable.

perhaps there's some mechanics limitation...

Perhaps its the long term damage to the disc, the cost and the size of the product of including a mechanical loading arm in the device?

jsbn said:
Disappointing nevertheless. I'd expected it to come with a ROM drive. :(

Reason why it did not becuase of new readers.
First was CD,
Then DVD,
next ?.

Hence cheaper to make it as a storage otherwise it be incompatible with future disc type.

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