I need advise!

Make sure to check that both of you are using same setting, On the camera, eg standard, vivid so that it's more similar.

Actually, I think it is exposure. If you play with your EV settings, try to lower EV a little. When you turn exposure slightly down, saturation sometimes seems higher.

Actually as mention earlier,for the white dress example the pic is slightly under exposed so need to +1 exposure compensate instead.

does it mean tat there is nothing to do with the additional lens that she used,
only thing is to play around with the camera setting and photoshop adjustment??

yep kinda like tat. or if i assume ur a blogshop owner, get us to shoot and edit for u:p

she took the pic just beside the window only ya..with the natural sunlight only

I think you should learn how to use APERTURE. For natural sunlight or bright area. set small f/stop, shuttle speed 80 to 150. Focus on center of the main item. I think will turn up sharp. Do some editing if necessary. :D Or maybe try some other settings. Just try shoot n shoot till you get the result.

she took the pic just beside the window only ya..with the natural sunlight only

I think you should learn how to use APERTURE. For natural sunlight or bright area. set small f/stop, shuttle speed 80 to 150. Focus on center of the main item. I think will turn up sharp. Do some editing if necessary. :D Or maybe try some other settings. Just try shoot n shoot till you get the result.

or if its a constant lighting situation use a f8.0 and just shoot with tripod